Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Recently former President Obama sat down for an interview with former comedian, David Letterman. I use the term former comedian advisedly. He’s just not funny anymore. Some very important and valuable information was disclosed during that interview.

Obama opined that in this country there are two very different sets of facts available to our citizens. He further offered the idea that if you watched Fox News you were probably from a different planet. One assumes by that reasoning, according to Obama, that if you watched MSNBC you would be from Earth. Hmmm.

As an interplanetary traveler I have a few thoughts on this issue. First, what Obama calls facts are often anything but facts. To me all of the news media have become propaganda machines. News is no longer news but instead opinion and that opinion is based on the agenda of the broadcaster. No one who possesses a sound mind can refute the fact that most of the so-called mainstream media are left leaning liberals who see the right side of any political issue as bad. Fox News, on the other hand, has become just as biased on the right side of the issues. They are famous for saying, “We report, you decide.” What they don’t say is that they decide what they report.

If you depend on the major networks or cable providers like CNN for your news, you are going to get their opinion of the news. If you depend on Fox News, you will get their opinion. I believe the only thing one really knows is what they have seen with their own eyes or personally experienced. Everything else one “knows” is what they have been told. So then, what you “know” is based almost entirely on where or from whom you heard it.

What is a person to do? How can we know what the truth is? To me the answer is that one must have many sources of news and then decide. In other words, you must be an interplanetary traveler.

If you depend on the opinion of some movie “star” for your news, I am sorry for you. If you depend on the views of your favorite singer, again I am sorry for you. Probably the most valueless information available is that information disseminated by people who make a living by reciting lines someone else wrote. Barbra Streisand has a beautiful voice. For my money, she should just shut up and sing. Her opinion of any political issue is worthless to me. The same is true for Rosie O'Donnell and the rest of the “Hollywood” crowd.

The mainstream media is anything but mainstream now. The problem is that much of America has no other choice for their news. They don’t get any cable broadcasts. Media available to “fly over” country is coverage developed on the extreme coasts and disseminated by individuals who have never even seen the country they are reporting to. They’ve heard of Nebraska and Kansas, but they wouldn’t be caught dead there. Reporters are educated in Eastern liberal colleges by leftist professors who are clueless about the real country in which we all live.

So, Obama thinks we are from different planets and I think he actually believes what he is saying. Just like Hillary believes she should have been elected but was denied because of some silly little circumstance.  As ridiculous as these people are, they are nonetheless people we are going to have to deal with as time goes by. Arm yourself with as much truth as you can find. Be an interplanetary traveler. See how the news you receive squares with what you already know and from what history teaches. In the final analysis truth will win out. History indeed is our best teacher.

Ron Scarbro

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