You surely saw Robert De
Niro's foul, potty-mouthed rant at the Tony “awards” ceremony in Hollywood. I
won’t repeat it but it is sufficient to say anyone with manners would never use
his words in mixed company, let alone on worldwide television. How about the
supposedly funny comedian, Kathy Griffin, who displayed the severed head of a
Trump look-alike? Then there was that female comic, Samantha Bee, who hasn’t
been funny in a long time, with her vulgar comment about Ivanka Trump. Now we have Peter Fonda, brother of American
traitor Jane Fonda, advocating for the kidnapping of Baron Trump and caging him
with pedophiles. Many in their audience stood and cheered at these actions. All
of these morons belong in prison.
I suppose one shouldn’t
be surprised that a bunch of self-aggrandized individuals who make their
livings memorizing someone else’s words would cheer vulgarity and disrespect.
They couldn’t have a very high opinion of themselves.
This then is the hate I
have been asked to explain. Where does this vitriol come from?
First, I believe these
people actually think they are speaking for a large group of constituents. They
believe they are in the majority. These people live in a self- imposed bubble.
What they believe is not difficult if you think all life ends at the eastern
border of California and restarts at the western border of New York. Figuring
as they do that any life forms in between those borders are irrelevant at least
and non-existent at best. To them the vast middle of America is just fly-over
country. They aren’t smart enough to understand their customers live in that
vast middle.
The second issue is even
more perverse. It is the “anything goes” concept. They don’t want any rules.
They want to live completely unfettered by any societal norm. Morality is passé.
Traditional American thinking is old fashioned. Self- control, self-reliance,
and self-responsibility are alien to their thinking. How dare someone try to
censor their words or actions. Theirs is a life of unending hedonistic partying.
Is that the definition of liberalism? How sad.
So, what we have is a
bunch of millionaire, self-centered, smug in their self- importance,
individuals believing that because they are wealthy and famous, they should not
have to obey the rules of society, and that the American people should pay
attention to their opinions and proclamations. The fact that they would look
with disdain on a God-fearing, America-loving patriot is not at all surprising.
But, and this is important, I don’t think they actually hate Trump. I believe
what they are is scared to death of him and his success as President and they
are scared that the American public supports him. That puts their whole
perverted, warped, partying lifestyle at risk.
What has been called the
Trump Derangement Syndrome, is actually the “Scared to death of Trump’s success
Americans are choosing
sides and the left is losing. You wouldn’t know that if you paid attention to
the mainstream media. They also have chosen sides and they have picked the
wrong side. The agenda driven drivel which they pass off as news is being
Now with the release of
the IG’s report, the Mueller investigation is looking more and more like what
it always was, that being with the help of some in the FBI, a biased, hateful
attempt to undermine the voter’s choice of President. It will go down in
history as a gigantic waste of taxpayers’ money and a huge embarrassment to the
formerly respected FBI.
What has been sold to us
as hatred is actually nothing more than fear. I suppose if I thought like them
I would be afraid too.
Ron Scarbro