Wednesday, June 27, 2018


I have been given a serious challenge. I have been asked to explain what is very nearly inexplicable. That being the hatred shown to our President and his family by the media and so many on the left, especially the Hollywood crowd.

You surely saw Robert De Niro's foul, potty-mouthed rant at the Tony “awards” ceremony in Hollywood. I won’t repeat it but it is sufficient to say anyone with manners would never use his words in mixed company, let alone on worldwide television. How about the supposedly funny comedian, Kathy Griffin, who displayed the severed head of a Trump look-alike? Then there was that female comic, Samantha Bee, who hasn’t been funny in a long time, with her vulgar comment about Ivanka Trump.  Now we have Peter Fonda, brother of American traitor Jane Fonda, advocating for the kidnapping of Baron Trump and caging him with pedophiles. Many in their audience stood and cheered at these actions. All of these morons belong in prison.

I suppose one shouldn’t be surprised that a bunch of self-aggrandized individuals who make their livings memorizing someone else’s words would cheer vulgarity and disrespect. They couldn’t have a very high opinion of themselves.

This then is the hate I have been asked to explain. Where does this vitriol come from?

First, I believe these people actually think they are speaking for a large group of constituents. They believe they are in the majority. These people live in a self- imposed bubble. What they believe is not difficult if you think all life ends at the eastern border of California and restarts at the western border of New York. Figuring as they do that any life forms in between those borders are irrelevant at least and non-existent at best. To them the vast middle of America is just fly-over country. They aren’t smart enough to understand their customers live in that vast middle.

The second issue is even more perverse. It is the “anything goes” concept. They don’t want any rules. They want to live completely unfettered by any societal norm. Morality is passé. Traditional American thinking is old fashioned. Self- control, self-reliance, and self-responsibility are alien to their thinking. How dare someone try to censor their words or actions. Theirs is a life of unending hedonistic partying.  Is that the definition of liberalism? How sad.

So, what we have is a bunch of millionaire, self-centered, smug in their self- importance, individuals believing that because they are wealthy and famous, they should not have to obey the rules of society, and that the American people should pay attention to their opinions and proclamations. The fact that they would look with disdain on a God-fearing, America-loving patriot is not at all surprising. But, and this is important, I don’t think they actually hate Trump. I believe what they are is scared to death of him and his success as President and they are scared that the American public supports him. That puts their whole perverted, warped, partying lifestyle at risk.

What has been called the Trump Derangement Syndrome, is actually the “Scared to death of Trump’s success syndrome.”

Americans are choosing sides and the left is losing. You wouldn’t know that if you paid attention to the mainstream media. They also have chosen sides and they have picked the wrong side. The agenda driven drivel which they pass off as news is being rejected.

Now with the release of the IG’s report, the Mueller investigation is looking more and more like what it always was, that being with the help of some in the FBI, a biased, hateful attempt to undermine the voter’s choice of President. It will go down in history as a gigantic waste of taxpayers’ money and a huge embarrassment to the formerly respected FBI.

What has been sold to us as hatred is actually nothing more than fear. I suppose if I thought like them I would be afraid too.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


This is the story of Joe Smith and his wife Joan. They are both high school dropouts. Both try different jobs but discover the only thing they are good at is producing children. They have three by the time they are in their mid-twenties. They just cannot keep a job so they resort to welfare and hustling. One day they get the idea that since banks have all the money, maybe they should just go and make a withdrawal. They write a note threatening the teller, demanding all the cash in her drawer or they will shoot her. They don’t actually have a gun but believe the threat will get the job done.

They get to the bank and pick out a teller. They approach her, give her the note, and she complies. She fills their bag with cash including one package of bills with exploding dye in it. As they run out the door, the dye explodes just as a passing police officer sees them. The officer stops them and places them under arrest.

Meanwhile their children are waiting at home with no supervision, no food, and now no parents. Joe and Joan are put in jail. When authorities learn of the untended children, they place them with Children’s Protective Services. In other words, the children are separated from their parents. Joe and Joan are sentenced to ten years in prison for their crime. Meanwhile their children are placed in foster care and become wards of the state.

Here’s my question. Is this cruel? What should the state do with these children? They haven’t committed any crime. Why should they be punished? Would it be better to put the children in prison with their parents? Or, as many in the media seem to suggest, we should just release Joe and Joan because we cannot separate them from their children.

Now, is any of this familiar?

Jose and his wife Lupe enter this country without proper papers. They break into our country. They also have three children. The law, let me repeat that, the law says they must be arrested and placed into custody. Again, their children haven’t broken any law. They were just along for the ride. What should be done with these children? Previous administrations just released the entire family with a court date and never saw them again. They became a part of the millions of illegal aliens now crowding into our country, flooding our schools, our welfare systems, and our housing designed for Americans with low incomes.

The current Administration knows this cannot and never has worked. They were elected to fix this problem, and they are.

The children of these illegal entrants are taken to dormitories with modern equipment, proper nutrition, schooling, and health care. As soon as their parents are adjudicated, they are rejoined with their children and sent back to their country of origin. Problem solved.

The media sees this as cruel. The reason? I think it is because they don’t understand that entering this country illegally is a crime. It’s just like bank robbery, or arson, or any other crime. People are arrested and their children are taken away from them until they have served their time. These laws have been on the books for many, many years. The only difference is that the current Administration is enforcing the law.

As long as we have law breakers, we will have punishment. If illegal aliens don’t want their children taken away from them, they shouldn’t break the law. It is the same as our own citizens. If they don’t want their children taken away from them, they also should not break the law.

The Democrats appear to want open borders with no restriction. Here’s a thought. Campaign on that issue, tell the voters what you want. Don’t hide behind double talk rhetoric. Get it all out there.

Let me know how that works for you.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Some observations from the recent past. Did you hear what multi-millionaire Bill Maher said on his show? He apparently believes President Trump is so dangerous to the U.S. that he wants our economy to tank in order to get rid of him. Bill Maher is a nitwit. As a side note, the origin of the word nitwit is somewhat confused but some scholars believe it comes from the old German, nit meaning nothing. Ergo, a nitwit would be one whose wit is nonexistent. Other definitions claim that since nits are actually the eggs of lice, a nitwit would have the intellect of louse eggs which you’ll agree is pretty low. Regardless of which definition one uses, a nitwit is clearly a moron and Bill Maher fills the bill. Maher and his ilk might have a totally different opinion if they actually had to work for a living instead of blathering on television and then hiding behind armed security fences. It is a lot easier wishing for a doomed economy when one has millions in the bank.

Our economy is booming and voters vote their pocketbooks. The liberals know this and also know that unless the economy tanks, their chances of taking over the government grow less and less.

Last week the G7 met to discuss economic issues; more specifically tariffs. The G7 is a group of seven countries which used to be 8, but Russia was kicked out because they couldn’t keep out of Crimea and Ukraine.

I am sure that most of those who attended wanted to push Trump into eliminating the recently imposed tariffs on aluminum and steel. Well, it didn’t work. Since the end of WWII, we have allowed Europe to prosper at our expense with their exorbitant tariffs. Europe no longer needs our welfare payments and we are no longer interested in supporting them at our expense. America is a free trader. We will continue to trade with those countries who trade fairly. During his campaign to be President, Trump stated he would fix the tariff situation and he is. To those who are surprised, I would suggest you pay attention to history. And to those of you in the media who believe the phrase “America First” is offensive, find another place to live.

Finally, as I write this piece, President Trump has landed in Singapore for his summit with the North Korean Dictator, Kim Jong-un. It is almost laughable the way the media has treated the activities and conversations leading up to this meeting. Initially they thought Trump would start a nuclear war with North Korea. They were upset with Trump’s rhetoric and his name calling. You will remember this summit almost didn’t even happen. Kim decided to test his power and issue some noise of his own. Trump immediately cancelled the summit. Well guess what? The North Koreans backpedaled and decided to shut up. That allowed Trump to go ahead with the summit. A clear message was sent however. This meeting is going Trump’s way or it isn’t going anywhere.

Kim released three hostages he had been holding as a gesture of good will. The media cried, “What did Trump give up in return?” What President Trump gave in return was allowing North Korea to exist. Both North Korea and China know that this is their last chance to keep this little dictator in power.

I don’t know how this meeting will end and nobody else does either, but this I do believe. It will either go Trump’s way or little Kim will be sent home with his tail between his legs. Regardless of the outcome, America will win. As for North Korea, we’ll see.

Update:  Apparently the meeting went quite well.  We’re told that denuclearization is going to happen.  As I said before, we’ll see.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


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