Wednesday, June 20, 2018


This is the story of Joe Smith and his wife Joan. They are both high school dropouts. Both try different jobs but discover the only thing they are good at is producing children. They have three by the time they are in their mid-twenties. They just cannot keep a job so they resort to welfare and hustling. One day they get the idea that since banks have all the money, maybe they should just go and make a withdrawal. They write a note threatening the teller, demanding all the cash in her drawer or they will shoot her. They don’t actually have a gun but believe the threat will get the job done.

They get to the bank and pick out a teller. They approach her, give her the note, and she complies. She fills their bag with cash including one package of bills with exploding dye in it. As they run out the door, the dye explodes just as a passing police officer sees them. The officer stops them and places them under arrest.

Meanwhile their children are waiting at home with no supervision, no food, and now no parents. Joe and Joan are put in jail. When authorities learn of the untended children, they place them with Children’s Protective Services. In other words, the children are separated from their parents. Joe and Joan are sentenced to ten years in prison for their crime. Meanwhile their children are placed in foster care and become wards of the state.

Here’s my question. Is this cruel? What should the state do with these children? They haven’t committed any crime. Why should they be punished? Would it be better to put the children in prison with their parents? Or, as many in the media seem to suggest, we should just release Joe and Joan because we cannot separate them from their children.

Now, is any of this familiar?

Jose and his wife Lupe enter this country without proper papers. They break into our country. They also have three children. The law, let me repeat that, the law says they must be arrested and placed into custody. Again, their children haven’t broken any law. They were just along for the ride. What should be done with these children? Previous administrations just released the entire family with a court date and never saw them again. They became a part of the millions of illegal aliens now crowding into our country, flooding our schools, our welfare systems, and our housing designed for Americans with low incomes.

The current Administration knows this cannot and never has worked. They were elected to fix this problem, and they are.

The children of these illegal entrants are taken to dormitories with modern equipment, proper nutrition, schooling, and health care. As soon as their parents are adjudicated, they are rejoined with their children and sent back to their country of origin. Problem solved.

The media sees this as cruel. The reason? I think it is because they don’t understand that entering this country illegally is a crime. It’s just like bank robbery, or arson, or any other crime. People are arrested and their children are taken away from them until they have served their time. These laws have been on the books for many, many years. The only difference is that the current Administration is enforcing the law.

As long as we have law breakers, we will have punishment. If illegal aliens don’t want their children taken away from them, they shouldn’t break the law. It is the same as our own citizens. If they don’t want their children taken away from them, they also should not break the law.

The Democrats appear to want open borders with no restriction. Here’s a thought. Campaign on that issue, tell the voters what you want. Don’t hide behind double talk rhetoric. Get it all out there.

Let me know how that works for you.

Ron Scarbro

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