Today thousands of
so-called refugees are camped near our southern border ready to invade this
country. They have clearly announced their intentions. Their plan is to swarm
the gates and overcome the guards. They mistakenly believe they will then just
be allowed to travel freely in America, taking part in the goods and services
provided to our citizens. They plan to just disappear into the surroundings.
Well guess again, amigo. President Trump has said it ain’t gonna happen.
I don’t know about you, but I believe him. If I were in your shoes, I’d
consider myself forewarned and find a way back home. The activity you are
embarked upon is doomed.
I have often wondered
what I would do if I had the power. At the risk of sounding like a broken
record, I will offer my solutions again.
Our biggest problem lies
within our own borders. We absolutely must take away the incentive for anyone
to attempt illegal entry into this country. First, we absolutely must require
e-verification of everyone living or working in this country. If you are here
illegally, you have to leave. Take yourself to the nearest American Consulate
in your own country and legally apply. Get on the list just like everyone else
and wait your turn.
Part two of this simple
solution is to sanction any employer who hires anyone who is not verified to be
here legally. These have to be serious sanctions, fines, and even jail time for
violators. Major meat packers, agriculture producers, textile mills, and all
who hire illegal aliens must obey the law. They don’t now because we let them
get away with it. We have to enforce the law.
Next, we cannot allow
illegals to receive any welfare benefits, free medical care, or even free
education. Any municipality, state, county, city, or otherwise caught violating
this law must face the same sanctions.
Officials in any state,
county, or city who proclaims themselves a “sanctuary” for illegals would be
arrested and face penalties for aiding and abetting criminal activity. That
includes Governors, Mayors, Councilmen, Sheriffs, and any other law breakers.
If we enacted such a law
and enforced it, in a matter of days we wouldn’t have to deport anybody. They
would deport themselves. Any who don’t would be arrested and put into
prison. Simple problem, simple solution.
But, Ron, what about all
the businesses who depend on these low-cost laborers to do the work of picking
the crops, mowing the lawns, or cutting meat? That question brings us to the
next step in dealing with illegal entry into this country.
We establish a guest
worker system. Individuals, not entire families, could apply for temporary work
visitation into America with a verified job. The temporary permits would have
an inviolate date for departure and it would be enforced. They could be renewed
if the employer attests to the character of the worker and the need to employ
them. The term of the permit could be negotiated between the employers and the
So, to the bleeding
hearts who think this is just too cruel. Did you know that if you travel to
Canada you have to have a passport? And don’t even think about trying to use
their state run medical system. That will get you put in jail. America, just
like Canada and all other countries in the world are sovereign nations. We have
borders for a reason. For the same reason you can’t just open the door and walk
into your neighbor’s house, you cannot just walk into another country. You
could not just open the pantry of your neighbor’s house and eat their food. You
could not pick the fruit from their trees, nor could you camp out on their
America has finite
resources. Those resources are reserved for Americans and their legal visitors.
America graciously shares her resources with others and has for generations.
But those resources and our patience are finite.
Ron Scarbro