Wednesday, November 7, 2018


There’s good news and there’s bad news. First the good news. The election is over. That means that for at least a short time we won’t be bombarded with nasty, ridiculous campaign ads. In all my years of watching elections, this is the worst I’ve ever seen. Lies, topped by more lies. No way on earth to know what the truth is.

More good news. We extended our representation in the Senate. As I am writing this, we don’t know exactly by how much, but we for sure have more Republican Senators today than we had yesterday. That means President Trump will have an easier time getting judges and other appointees confirmed plus there is the very real probability that more vacancies will occur on the Supreme Court over the next six years and he will need to get the right people on that court. That is very good news for the country.

Now for some bad news. The Democrats took over control of the House. Some believe Nancy Pelosi will once again be elected Speaker. I can only hope. More bad news though. We will have to listen to Maxine Waters run her very big mouth. A close examination of that indicates some possibly good news. Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters are the gift that keeps on giving to the Republican Party. The more they resist and obstruct, the better Republican chances are to once again regain control in 2020. So, Nancy and Maxine, run your mouths. Stir up trouble. Resist and obstruct. In 2020 you will get your just reward.

If the Democrats try to subpoena their way to success, they will fail. If they try to investigate their way to success, they will fail. I believe the American people have had a belly full of worthless investigations. The Mueller report will have to come out soon and that should be the end of it.

There will be talk of impeachment, but there will be no impeachment. To be impeached, one must commit crimes. Sorry, Maxine, but no crimes, except the possible crime of having you in the House of Representatives, have been committed. The more you and Nancy sit over the pot and stir chanting incantations along the way, the further back you will sink in the eyes of the American people.

So, there is good news. The Democrats will either have to work with Trump, or their control of the House will be short lived indeed. It is amazing but something good could come from the parties working together. Only time will tell if they get the message.

More good news, Jeff Sessions just resigned as Attorney General. I like Sessions, but I don’t think he did a good job especially by recusing himself from the Mueller investigation. That nonsense could have been nipped in the bud early on had he stayed the course. A new AG will bring fresh eyes to all this and will doubtless bring it all to an early conclusion. The American people are tired of Mueller and all of the ridiculous allegations. Reasonable sane people know there was never any collusion with the Russians by anyone on the Trump team. It is far more likely, based on the leaked reports, that it was the Democrats who colluded with the Russians.

Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. It is different than yesterday, but aren’t they all.

Ron Scarbro

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