Thursday, January 10, 2019


The government shutdown is still going on. What we are watching is nothing more than a game of chicken. Two entrenched sides, each refusing to give in, fighting for their respective positions. I don’t think the border wall or border security has anything to do with the battle that is going on. This is about the Democrats trying to stop the unstoppable force known as Donald Trump. And they are going to lose. They probably already know that but they are going to fight on anyway.

Let’s face it. What can the Dems say when 2020 rolls around? The economy is now and will continue to be on a roll. Enemies, both foreign and domestic, will be in complete retreat. Their own party is splitting at the seams with the arrival of the nouveau-Socialist and other far left fanatics. Their own left-wing media cannot help them so they have to do something.

The problem is that they have picked the wrong fight. Trump will win this fight because the American people are on his side. And this isn’t the only issue facing the voters. Let us examine some of the problems Democrats will have to deal with in the next Presidential election.

Obama said that Trump will never bring jobs back to this country unless he has a “magic wand”. Sorry, Mr. Obama. Apparently what was necessary had nothing to do with magic but had everything to do with removing governmental interference and reducing the onerous tax burden. The liberal notion that only government can manage the American people is obviously false. And it’s time they came to grips with that fact.

American ingenuity and talent is all we need to be successful, as long as the government gets out and stays out of the way.

A poll released today shows that 64% of the American people believe illegal immigration is a major problem. Pandering to criminal trespassers by refusing to stop them from illegal entry or giving them illegal sanctuary is not a winning issue with the voters. The sooner the Dems come to this realization, the better.

It really is quite funny. Among the first official acts of the new Democrat controlled Congress was to bring forth articles of impeachment of the President. Absolute nonsense. The two morons who brought this issue to the Congress should be embarrassed. The problem is, I don’t think they are intelligent enough to be embarrassed.

Speaking of intellectual deficits. Do you remember Dem. Rep Henry, Hank, Johnson of Georgia? He took the floor to proclaim that Trump was nothing more than Hitler commanding storm troopers. Johnson is the idiot who famously opined that if we put troops on Guam, the island would capsize and sink. This moron thinks islands are just floating on the ocean. He and his comparably ignorant fellow Congresswoman, Sheila Jackson Lee, are two of the main reasons we need a minimum IQ score to serve in any branch of government. If we had such a requirement, the Halls of Congress would be much quieter and considerably emptier.

Listen up Democrats. Impeachment of a President requires that he would have to commit high crimes or misdemeanors. The House would have to approve the articles and then the Republican controlled Senate would have to approve it by two-thirds majority. First of all, the president has not committed high crimes or misdemeanors and the Senate would never vote to impeach him. It ain’t gonna happen. Get over it.

There are tremendous issues facing our country. We elect individuals to go and do the serious work of governing. We don’t send them to Washington to play silly games. We don’t send them there to audition for election to the next step. It looks like half of the Senate Democrats are already running for President. Get to work. Deal with the real issues. Fix the immigration problem. If you are not up to the job, find another career.

Ron Scarbro.

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