Wednesday, April 24, 2019


The title of this column is from a tweet sent by President Trump just after AG Barr released the Mueller report. Apparently the Democrats and the mainstream media didn’t get the tweet or the memo. They seem to believe that after a two-year extensive, expensive, and exhaustive investigation, that they must now start the process all over again.

This group is so invested in the big lie that they absolutely cannot accept the fact that it was all a hoax. A giant hoax. There was no collusion on the part of the Trump campaign. The Hillary campaign on the other hand may have some serious explaining to do. Not only are the Congressional Democrats hell bent on reinvestigating, they seem tone deaf to the fact that the American public is tired of the nonsense. The problem is that the Democrats are so beholding to their fanatic left wing base, they have to at least look like they are doing something.

Listen up Democrats and your fellow conspirators in the mainstream media, wishing will not make it so. Didn’t your mother ever tell you that? The whole collusion thing was a fabrication to try to explain why your candidate, the anointed one, lost. She lost because she was the poorer candidate. She lost because her policies were tired and worn out. She lost because the American people wanted a new look and a new way of doing things.

Here’s a suggestion as to how to bring a halt to the endless harassment of our President. How about we turn the tables and start investigating the investigators. Let us determine how all this got started. Lies were told. Phony dossiers were created, paid for, and disseminated by the Hillary campaign. Phony information was leaked to the media and they ran with it as if it were true. High level government officials from the FBI and the Justice Department were up to their necks in this fraud. Some of them have been fired but there are still many more who need to explain their actions and be held to account.

I’d be willing to bet that if the tables were turned and the heat was put on these perps, their entire narrative would change. They would all be scrambling like roaches when the light comes on. They would turn on each other and sing like canaries. Serious crimes have been committed. An attempted coup of an elected President is a serious crime with serious ramifications.

It is now clear that this was all an attempted coup from the beginning. The losing candidate was determined to overturn the will of the voters and take over the Presidency any way she could. Did she think we would have a do over? Is it so hard for the liberals to understand that the majority of American voters reject their socialist ideas and leftist policies? Like the old country song asks, “What part of no don’t you understand?”

We are on the verge of yet another election. The Democrats will have another opportunity to grab at the brass ring. I really don’t like their chances. The economy is humming. Unemployment is at an all time low. The world has gotten the word that we will no longer be their floor mat. Our military is stronger than ever. Trade agreements are being negotiated that will benefit our partners and benefit us.

I can understand that the Democrats are looking for any way they can to find a winning agenda. Again, I don’t like their chances. This is America, not Venezuela. Socialist crap has never worked and the people know that. So, Democrats, like it or not, no collusion, no obstruction and for a fact the game is over.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Times sure have changed. Or maybe I have just been naive. Never in my life have I seen such hate and disrespect for our leaders and elected officials. And a lot of the disrespect is emanating from some of those elected officials.

We just learned that the Democrats in Congress have advised the IRS that they have until April 24 to hand over the last six years of Donald Trump’s tax returns both personal and business. Or else. Or else what? First of all, it would be illegal for the IRS to hand over those returns to anyone as they are private and privileged information. So, it ain’t gonna happen. The Dems know they will not get the returns. So, what is this all about? It’s about harassment and power. It’s about resistance.

It should come as no surprise to anyone who reads these columns that I am a Republican but mostly I am an American, and as an American I am concerned that the Democrats are destroying their party. We need a two-party system. But we need what used to be known as “the loyal opposition.” A two-party system keeps everybody honest. A single party becomes a dictatorship.

It appears that the political parties are more concerned with their party than they are concerned for the country. That’s a recipe for disaster. Today the Democrats are attempting to weaponize other agencies of the Federal Government. They are attempting to get the Attorney General to break the law regarding the Mueller Report. They want the IRS to break the law with regard to Trump’s taxes. How far would they go?

Because of malfeasance and mismanagement in the recent past, the Justice Department, the FBI and the IRS have been tarnished in the eyes of the American people. We need those agencies and we need for them to be squeaky clean. We’re not some banana republic or some third world country. We are the light of the world. We are the city on the hill and we are looked to by the rest of the world to maintain that image. Two-bit power-hungry politicians need to understand that this is all much bigger than them.

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House and third in line for succession to the Presidency by the way, seems to have lost control of her party. Now I don’t care that they are going to lose big in the next election, they deserve it, but I do care that the destruction of the Democrats might be irreparable. The far left “progressives” are pushing them to socialism and the American people are not going to go for it.

So now we have a wagon load of Democrats who are going to be fighting it out to be their party’s candidate in 2020. If things go as they have in the past, it will wind up being a circular firing squad. Millions will be spent attempting not to create a favorable image for themselves, but instead to destroy the opposing candidate. From the looks of things they are already trying to out socialism each other. Free stuff for everyone. Don’t worry about the cost. We’ll just tax the rich and make them pay their fair share. Free health care should be a right. A free college degree should be a right. A living wage, whether you work or not, should be a right. Venezuela should not be our example. We will have much better dictators.

Well guess what Democrats. America will never be a socialist country. We earn our living. We earn our wealth. We earn our prosperity. We believe in and follow our Constitution. By virtue of the Second Amendment we are armed and we will never give up our guns.

The Democrats need to get on board. Perhaps a rereading of our Constitution might be helpful. At any rate, it couldn’t hurt. May God continue to bless America.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, April 10, 2019



One of the most important things one can learn in athletic competition is how to lose. I know that’s not easy, but it’s important. Losing happens so it is very important to know when you have lost. It’s like, when you are in a hole, stop digging.

The Democrats cannot seem to understand this concept. It all came to light with the election of 2016. Trump won and Hillary lost. I know it wasn’t supposed to happen that way but it did. Instead of dealing with the facts and learning from their loss, they have apparently decided to try to change the outcome of the election.

Their “insurance policy” didn’t work. So, they decided to attempt to subvert the system through the courts. They created a phony dossier and then used that phony document to try to convict the people around Trump. I guess they thought that if they could get that close to the President, it should just be a matter of time before they got him. Oops, that didn’t work either.

Next, they bought into a lie produced by the Clinton campaign which was expanded on by the head of the FBI and career employees at the Justice Department. This caused the appointment of a “special counsel.” That’ll get him, they thought. Oops again. No proof of anything approaching the kind of activity that would bring about impeachment. So says the brief summary by the Attorney General. Wait a minute, they cried. We want to see the entire Mueller report unredacted. Even though that would be against the law, they demanded the report be released to them or else.

So, let’s see now. The Democrats in Congress are suing the Attorney General requiring him to commit a crime for them and all for politics. I’m just guessing here, but I don’t think their chances of success are very good.

I can hear the Dems now, “I know, this is what we should do next. Let’s sue the President to require him to release his tax returns. Even though we know his tax returns are privileged information and he will never release them, it will get us great press coverage. Because we know the press is just as committed to getting rid of Trump as we are, this has to be a winner. It should be no problem. We’ve weaponized the IRS before and gotten away with it.”

Again, just guessing here, but this will also fail miserably.

I started this column by talking about knowing when you have lost. Let me tell you what I think is coming next. The American people are getting fed up with the continued harassment of this President. There is a limit to our patience. The Democrats have underestimated the intelligence of the people and they will soon be hearing from them in spades.

Our government consists of three co-equal branches. They are the Executive, the Judicial, and the Legislative. No branch is superior to the other. Neither is any branch inferior. For almost three hundred years we have been able to get along and prosper.  Since our founding we have selected our leaders by free elections and we are not about to change this. If the Democrats can’t figure out what it takes to get elected, maybe they should try to learn from their losses instead of trying to subvert the process to change the outcome.

We will never be a socialist country. We will never allow ourselves to be disarmed. We will not change the Supreme Court to help any political party. We will not eliminate the electoral college so as to allow two or three ultra liberal states to elect our leadership. Democrats, listen up. Either learn how to live within our system of government, or find another place to live. There is a definite limit to our patience.

Ron Scarbro

Thursday, April 4, 2019


I just had an interesting experience. I viewed a series of videos which were election night newscasts from CNN, ABC, NBC, and PBS. These were aired on election night in 2016 and I confess, I had never seen them. I generally don’t watch any of these channels unless there is a sporting event that I can’t get any other way, or in the case of PBS a fundraising event that features some of my favorite entertainers from the past. It would never occur to me to watch their version of election results, but I did.

They were hilarious. In almost every case, they started out their evening telecast by explaining how Hillary was going to be our next President. Even in those states where she was behind, the anchors quickly explained that Hillary’s votes had yet to be counted. Major Democrat strongholds were slow to get the votes counted. You’ll see, they opined. It is just a matter of time before she takes an overwhelming lead.

As the evening wore on and Hillary’s numbers were not getting any better, some of the talking heads began to show some concern. Not to worry, we were told. She is destined to win, period. Florida and North Carolina were the key states. There was no way Trump could win those states so it was just a matter of time.

Well, the evening continued to wear on and Hillary’s numbers got worse, not better. Several networks began declaring Trump the winner in some of the contested states. It began to look like he actually had a chance. The so-called newscaster’s concern now started to look like fear. How was this possible?

Finally the polls closed and it became clear that Trump won and Hillary was defeated. I heard one of the female reporters say, I don’t know anyone who would have voted for Trump. How could he have won? She wasn’t lying, I assure you, she probably didn’t know anyone who would have voted for Trump. That is the problem with the major, mass media. They don’t know anything about what is important to the vast majority of this country. They live and work in a bubble that is impenetrable. They would all be better served by moving their reporting stations out into the heartland and basing their news reporting on the entire country, not just the liberal coastal regions.

Today it is pretty obvious that the media hasn’t gotten over the fact of Trump’s win. Many have never accepted the results. And, they are not alone. The Democrats in Congress have done just about everything in their power to delegitimize his Presidency. There are also some Republicans who can be counted among the sore losers.

Well, another judgement day is coming. The 2020 Presidential election is going to show once and for all that the country is happy with their choice of Donald Trump. I predict the Democrats will lose many seats in Congress. The Senate will have even a larger number of Republicans than it does now. I believe there will be at least two more Supreme Court Justices named and that will be great news for America. In other words, this country is headed in the right direction, finally.

I would like to see indictments handed down for the conspirators in the failed coup attempt of this President. The clowns who pass as news reporters who have relentlessly harassed this President should have to explain where their allegiance lies. They couldn’t believe it when he was elected, and they seem to never have accepted the fact of his election. 2020 is going to be very revealing. It will take the Democrats years to recover from their malfeasance. They may never recover. I’m okay with that.

Ron Scarbro