Wednesday, April 10, 2019



One of the most important things one can learn in athletic competition is how to lose. I know that’s not easy, but it’s important. Losing happens so it is very important to know when you have lost. It’s like, when you are in a hole, stop digging.

The Democrats cannot seem to understand this concept. It all came to light with the election of 2016. Trump won and Hillary lost. I know it wasn’t supposed to happen that way but it did. Instead of dealing with the facts and learning from their loss, they have apparently decided to try to change the outcome of the election.

Their “insurance policy” didn’t work. So, they decided to attempt to subvert the system through the courts. They created a phony dossier and then used that phony document to try to convict the people around Trump. I guess they thought that if they could get that close to the President, it should just be a matter of time before they got him. Oops, that didn’t work either.

Next, they bought into a lie produced by the Clinton campaign which was expanded on by the head of the FBI and career employees at the Justice Department. This caused the appointment of a “special counsel.” That’ll get him, they thought. Oops again. No proof of anything approaching the kind of activity that would bring about impeachment. So says the brief summary by the Attorney General. Wait a minute, they cried. We want to see the entire Mueller report unredacted. Even though that would be against the law, they demanded the report be released to them or else.

So, let’s see now. The Democrats in Congress are suing the Attorney General requiring him to commit a crime for them and all for politics. I’m just guessing here, but I don’t think their chances of success are very good.

I can hear the Dems now, “I know, this is what we should do next. Let’s sue the President to require him to release his tax returns. Even though we know his tax returns are privileged information and he will never release them, it will get us great press coverage. Because we know the press is just as committed to getting rid of Trump as we are, this has to be a winner. It should be no problem. We’ve weaponized the IRS before and gotten away with it.”

Again, just guessing here, but this will also fail miserably.

I started this column by talking about knowing when you have lost. Let me tell you what I think is coming next. The American people are getting fed up with the continued harassment of this President. There is a limit to our patience. The Democrats have underestimated the intelligence of the people and they will soon be hearing from them in spades.

Our government consists of three co-equal branches. They are the Executive, the Judicial, and the Legislative. No branch is superior to the other. Neither is any branch inferior. For almost three hundred years we have been able to get along and prosper.  Since our founding we have selected our leaders by free elections and we are not about to change this. If the Democrats can’t figure out what it takes to get elected, maybe they should try to learn from their losses instead of trying to subvert the process to change the outcome.

We will never be a socialist country. We will never allow ourselves to be disarmed. We will not change the Supreme Court to help any political party. We will not eliminate the electoral college so as to allow two or three ultra liberal states to elect our leadership. Democrats, listen up. Either learn how to live within our system of government, or find another place to live. There is a definite limit to our patience.

Ron Scarbro

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