Wednesday, November 27, 2019


I haven’t said too much about the so-called “impeachment inquiry” for some very good reasons. First of all, I don’t think it is a legitimate impeachment inquiry. It is nothing more than a political dirty trick. It’s a criminal trial looking for a crime. The Democrats know clearly that they cannot compete in 2020 with the shape the country is in. Most of them know their programs never work and fail miserably and look really bad when compared with the programs put in place by the Trump Administration. In fact, one prominent Democrat said that they have to impeach Trump because they absolutely cannot beat him at the ballot box. So they, pardon the expression, trumped up some phony charges that will never get through the Republican Senate, in an effort to debase our duly elected President and overthrow our government. Ever since his election the left has been trying to get rid of him. None of their lies have worked. Impeachment is their last desperate attempt to usurp the will of the American people. Their coup has failed once again. 

What’s next? Well, Republican fundraising is through the roof. Trump’s poll numbers have never been higher and are continuing to grow. The stock market is at record highs with no end in sight. The economy is humming along with unemployment numbers at historic lows. It doesn’t look very good for the party who wants to change all that. Does any normal, sane, person of average intelligence really believe that if Hillary Clinton had won the last election we would be where we are economically? Of course not. Does anybody who has an ounce of brainpower really believe we should get rid of this President in favor of any of the morons who have announced against him? If you do, I feel sorry for you. That’s a lot like going from the penthouse to the outhouse.

The Founding Fathers would be rolling in their graves if they saw what the Democrats are doing today. Impeachment is a valid and worthwhile tool. Its purpose is clear and trying to get rid of a political opponent isn’t that purpose. Even though this dirty trick will fail, the Democrats will pay dearly for their ill-advised attempt to overthrow the election of 2016. Regardless of whether or not this attempted coup was successful, can you imagine what the future will look like for any President? Anytime the House of Representatives is of a different party than the President, all they would have to do is impeach him if they disagreed with any policy.

It is pretty clear that the Democrats cannot connect the dots. They apparently cannot understand the consequences of this ill-advised strategy. They may well be the architects of their own destruction. 

Nancy Pelosi. I have never agreed with anything that has been hatched in that politician brain of yours, but I truly thought you were smarter than this. You have to know this is going to blow up in your face. Where’s Tip O'Neill when you need him? Democrats in his day were way too smart to get caught up in the mess this bunch is involved in.

This all is coming to an end. The IG’s report will be out in early December and criminal prosecution will follow soon after as John Durham’s investigation wraps up. A lot of big name individuals are already looking for criminal attorneys. I know there are skeptics even among this readership. I even sleep with one. But you can’t attempt to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States and not be held accountable. You will pay for your crimes. 

Sane and sensible Democrats, pay attention. Your party is being hijacked and may well be destroyed in the process. You should act quickly to save it.

Ron Scarbro, November 27, 2019

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


I was recently watching a reality cop show which I occasionally do now as a retired person living my golden years. The police were called out to a man down on a public sidewalk. As is usually the case, it turned out to be a drug overdose. In this event, the man was clinically dead with no pulse and no visible signs of life. Long story short, the aid car came and treated the downed guy with Narcan, an opioid reversal medicine, and he came around and was taken to the hospital for further treatment.

The paramedic in his report to the camera said this was yet another victim of the opioid epidemic. 

I beg to differ. This was not another victim of any epidemic. If anything, this was a participant of street level illegal drug use. Several police officers and aid units were called to revive him. He literally owes his life to their quick response. He wasn’t the victim of anything but his own stupidity. 

I remember a few years back when I heard Naomi Judd, of the famous singing act The Judds, herself the victim of spousal abuse, say that if you are abused by your spouse, the first time you are a victim, the second time you are a volunteer. This drug abuser and the many like him are less a victim and more a volunteer. Nobody but he himself stuck that needle in his arm and shot who knows what into his bloodstream. 

I’m sure he got the best treatment available, all at taxpayer’s expense, and was released back to the street where he probably has done it all over again and for all I know may already be dead.

Concerning epidemics, have you heard about the “homeless epidemic”? Thousands of people are living on the streets in San Francisco and Los Angeles as well as many other cities in this country. The liberals call this an epidemic. I guess, since epidemic is a scary word, it makes for good print. 

Again it’s not an epidemic at all. It is a choice of people who refuse to work, or otherwise seek help for various addictions. It is people who beg for money to buy liquor or drugs and who refuse to live a sober, clean life. Of course it also includes mentally ill individuals who should be in institutions like the way they were in years back. The liberals put an end to that. Now these poor, often helpless people are left to their own devices to live and die on the streets of our big cities. I hope the liberals are proud.

I know the left likes to call a lot of human conditions illnesses. Like alcoholism for example. Addicts are addicts, period. Whether it’s liquor, drugs, or cigarettes, it’s not a disease. It is a choice. 

The current fad now seems to be to blame the manufacturer of drugs for their overuse. That’s a lot like blaming the tobacco farmer for cigarette addiction, or gun makers for misuse of their product. We don’t blame car makers for their production of cars, even the cars that go from zero to eighty in six seconds. They are praised for their ingenuity. 

The hard reality is that people who overuse, or stick needles in their arms, or drink to excess, or take perfectly legal weapons and commit crimes with them are perpetrators, not victims. They don’t have a disease and this is not an epidemic. 

I understand that some unscrupulous medical people over prescribe but ultimately we are responsible for ourselves. We cannot keep blaming someone else or something else for our choices. We light our own cigarettes. We drink from our own bottle. And we stick needles into our own arms without pressure from anyone else. 

What we need now is an epidemic of personal responsibility.

Ron Scarbro, November 2019

Monday, November 11, 2019


In days of old victorious armies would return home to parades and fanfare. Citizens would line up to pay homage and shower the returning warriors with flowers and gifts. They were awarded property and given their choice of the available damsels. They were truly the heroes whose sacrifice guaranteed the peace. 

Even as late as the end of WWII, returnees were treated to ticker tape parades. Educational opportunities and medical care were made available for the veterans who gave so much to make the homeland safe and secure. As a veteran myself, I truly appreciate this benefit. Veterans have always been held in the highest regard as they should be. 

I point this out because some things seem to have changed and they need to be fixed. The VA Medical system appears inadequate to handle the number of patients they must service. Most of their facilities are antiquated and their equipment is old and often out of date. Try to call a VA facility on the phone. I’d rather try to call the Social Security Administration. Their telephone system is a joke.

We are told they are just trying to be frugal with taxpayer money. They keep staffing to a bare minimum. If that were true, I could understand. What if, rather than just being frugal, VA administrator’s try to improve their bonuses by coming in under budget? And what if that frugality is often at the expense of the very patients whose care is compromised?

It has taken years to get to the place where we can fire incompetent employees because of their union affiliation. To me that union seems much more concerned with their continued power than the veterans in their care. Records are often lost in the maze of ancient computers which have long been deemed outdated. Some records have even been altered to make the VA look good. 

I have offered a simple solution before to my Congressman and I will suggest it again. Every veteran has on his person an ID card. He should be able to go into any medical facility or doctor’s office in this country which takes Medicare patients and receive treatment. The volume of patients currently using the VA would be greatly reduced and those who choose to go to the VA would get much better care. Simple problem, simple solution.

I’ve been told we can’t do that. When I asked why, I was told it would be too expensive. We just can’t spend that kind of money on veterans. 

Okay, I have a few questions of the guardians of taxpayer money. How much would you charge for your legs? How about your eyesight? If I told you that you had to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair, how much would that cost me? In other words, how much is the sacrifice of veterans worth? 

Veterans interrupt their lives to enter the military to serve their country. Some give only their time, some give body parts, and some give their all. They all know this simple truth, freedom is not free. They sign a blank check offering themselves to ensure that freedom would prevail. Does America have a debt to them? If so, how would you quantify it? 

The veterans I know don’t want special privileges. They don’t want what armies of old were given. They just want the promises kept that were given when they entered the service. Is it too much to ask that our returning warriors be given the absolute best medical care available? Is it too much to ask that they be treated with the utmost respect and not like charity cases? Is it too much to ask that the damn phone be answered? 

I think we should all take a nice walk and breathe the free air around us. Be thankful for the gift of freedom we have. Don’t take it for granted because somebody somewhere probably sacrificed a lot for us to have these gifts.

Ron Scarbro, November, 2019

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that I am a strong advocate for law enforcement. I’m a law and order guy. I even went to a sixteen week civilian police academy where I learned firsthand how officers are trained and what is expected of them on the job. I am not naive however and I know that within any large group of people there can be some bad actors. The same is true for law enforcement officers, but bad actors in police departments are the definite minority. Most are committed to helping their communities and protecting the unprotected. Rarely are their guns even unholstered, let alone used to stop crime or criminals. 

Imagine my shock at what I heard from two of the Democrat Presidential candidates recently. They literally slandered and debased law enforcement in the worst possible way. At a campaign rally a young black man asked Bernie Sanders the following question. If I, as a black man, was your son and I am stopped by the police, what advice would you give me? Bernie’s answer was this. First you respectfully attempt to get the officer’s name, then you follow his or her instructions so you don’t get shot in the back of the head. What? That borders on absolutely the stupidest thing this moron has ever said.

Not to be outdone, Joe Biden is heard from. When he and Obama were in the White House they did more to create a dangerous environment for police officers than has ever been done before. Police officers today are paying for this disrespect with their lives.

Biden, at another rally, was questioned by a young black woman. Her question, “If I were your daughter and was stopped by police, what would be your advice to me?” His ridiculous answer was, “If you were my daughter you would be caucasian and as such, you wouldn’t be stopped by the police.” Had I not heard this first hand, I would have thought it was just more bad reporting, but I heard it myself. Both of these so-called Presidential contenders have clearly identified themselves as idiots, period, and as such disqualified themselves as candidates for the Presidency.

So, what if you are a police officer? What should your response be? Are these the kind of people you want in the highest office in the land? If you are just a normal everyday citizen who goes about your daily life, working for a living, paying your taxes, and doing the things that normal people do, what should your response be? Are these the kind of clowns you want in the White House? All this reminds me of something I heard as a young man; “sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt”. That would be my advice to Biden and Sanders. 

Even beyond all that, comments like these just put police officers in more danger. It is the last thing these candidates need to be blathering about. Law enforcement officers put on their badges, their belts, and yes, their guns to go out and serve and protect. Their job is inherently dangerous. When everybody is trying to escape danger, they go in to face it. 

Both Joe and Bernie know that their very lives are regularly protected by police officers. They don’t seem very grateful. 

Some years back I wrote a piece discussing how hippies were very critical of police and called them pigs. I said then and I say now, the next time you have trouble, call a hippie. Let me know how that works out for you.

Ron Scarbro