Wednesday, November 6, 2019


It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that I am a strong advocate for law enforcement. I’m a law and order guy. I even went to a sixteen week civilian police academy where I learned firsthand how officers are trained and what is expected of them on the job. I am not naive however and I know that within any large group of people there can be some bad actors. The same is true for law enforcement officers, but bad actors in police departments are the definite minority. Most are committed to helping their communities and protecting the unprotected. Rarely are their guns even unholstered, let alone used to stop crime or criminals. 

Imagine my shock at what I heard from two of the Democrat Presidential candidates recently. They literally slandered and debased law enforcement in the worst possible way. At a campaign rally a young black man asked Bernie Sanders the following question. If I, as a black man, was your son and I am stopped by the police, what advice would you give me? Bernie’s answer was this. First you respectfully attempt to get the officer’s name, then you follow his or her instructions so you don’t get shot in the back of the head. What? That borders on absolutely the stupidest thing this moron has ever said.

Not to be outdone, Joe Biden is heard from. When he and Obama were in the White House they did more to create a dangerous environment for police officers than has ever been done before. Police officers today are paying for this disrespect with their lives.

Biden, at another rally, was questioned by a young black woman. Her question, “If I were your daughter and was stopped by police, what would be your advice to me?” His ridiculous answer was, “If you were my daughter you would be caucasian and as such, you wouldn’t be stopped by the police.” Had I not heard this first hand, I would have thought it was just more bad reporting, but I heard it myself. Both of these so-called Presidential contenders have clearly identified themselves as idiots, period, and as such disqualified themselves as candidates for the Presidency.

So, what if you are a police officer? What should your response be? Are these the kind of people you want in the highest office in the land? If you are just a normal everyday citizen who goes about your daily life, working for a living, paying your taxes, and doing the things that normal people do, what should your response be? Are these the kind of clowns you want in the White House? All this reminds me of something I heard as a young man; “sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt”. That would be my advice to Biden and Sanders. 

Even beyond all that, comments like these just put police officers in more danger. It is the last thing these candidates need to be blathering about. Law enforcement officers put on their badges, their belts, and yes, their guns to go out and serve and protect. Their job is inherently dangerous. When everybody is trying to escape danger, they go in to face it. 

Both Joe and Bernie know that their very lives are regularly protected by police officers. They don’t seem very grateful. 

Some years back I wrote a piece discussing how hippies were very critical of police and called them pigs. I said then and I say now, the next time you have trouble, call a hippie. Let me know how that works out for you.

Ron Scarbro

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