Wednesday, May 13, 2020


So, what have you been doing during your confinement for the pandemic? I have been engaged in the highly intellectual activity of watching cop shows on TV. Oh, I've learned a lot. One of the most interesting things is when a bad guy is being arrested and he doesn't want to comply, what does he do? Why, he fights. He screams profanities. Most of the time he gets hurt and still is under arrest and hauled away. 

In a recent show I watched a bad guy, about 5' 5" and maybe 140 pounds soaking wet, try to resist four police officers, each topping 240 pounds, all armed with handguns, tasers, and night sticks. There was also a K9, himself about 100 pounds, and armed with a very bad attitude. 

The bad guy couldn't seem to get it. He was caught. It was over. But he was going to try to fight his way out. Well, obviously it didn't work. He was tased, bitten by the dog, cuffed and stuffed and off to jail. One of the monster cops asked the guy, "Don't you get it? You're caught.” 

Now you may be wondering what this has to do with today's column. I'll tell you. In recent days a great deal of information has reached us concerning the illegal acts of higher ups in the FBI and the Justice Dept. Also, a number of other individuals have been identified as being involved in illegal acts. Democrat legislators have been named. People who should know better will now have to face judgement for all sorts of wrongdoing. Orange jumpsuits will be the new dress code for many in Washington. And I couldn't be happier. 

What has been the reaction of many of those facing these accusations? Well, they are aghast. They are screaming denials. They are accusing their accusers. It all looks like a cop show rerun. 

I have some advice for them. You are caught. The more you scream your denials, the more you will look foolish. The evidence against you is overwhelming. Comey, Clapper, Nadler, Schiff, Page, Rice, and too many others to name here. Probably even Obama and Biden. They will all soon be facing music they never thought they would have to face.

There are some very good lessons here. First and foremost, this is America. Coups are discouraged, bloodless or otherwise. Plotters are arrested. In the past they would have been strung up. Today's plotters will probably just be jailed but the American people will demand that they are punished to such a degree that future such attempts are stopped in their tracks.

We have elections. If you don't like the choice of the American people, find yourself a candidate that you like who can win legally. It really is quite simple. To try to overthrow the duly elected government is treason and it has consequences. It doesn't really matter that you might hold a high government job. Your arrogance is repulsive to all traditional law abiding Americans.

This final thought. When the media becomes an arm of a political party, they should be required to identify themselves as such. For me and many others, the mass media has lost all credibility. If you can't just report the facts and let the people decide for themselves, perhaps you should find a new line of work.

Ron Scarbro May 12, 2020

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