Wednesday, August 26, 2020


I think most readers of this blog believe as I do that man, all men, were created by God. He created white people and yellow people, red people and yes, black people. I don't think He preferred any one race over another. So, therefore, we were all created equal. I further believe that to God, all lives, being equal, matter equally. 

But, you know, some people are different. God created tall people and short people. Some excel in fields that others cannot. For example, I played basketball in high school. I wasn't very good, but I made the varsity team. I would have loved to play college ball, but again, I wasn't very good. Also I was only six feet tall. Try as I may, I could never be seven feet tall. Do you think I was discriminated against because of my height? Of course I was. That and the fact that I wasn't very good. I didn't parade in the streets. I didn't riot and burn down buildings. I just found other ways to entertain myself.

When I was in the Army, I did have another opportunity to play basketball. The other people who also played taught me early on why I could never be a basketball player. They were very good. Most of them were very tall. So I did the next best thing. I became a coach. 

Finally, now pro sports is resuming. Instead of sports though, we are going to be treated to various guilt trips and victim mongering. We have been told to expect players to be kneeling during the National Anthem. This seems to be some sort of demand for equality that they believe does not exist now. NBA players have decided to use their uniforms for various slogans and political messaging. The cowardly owners seem unwilling to stop this. The networks are going to play this all up because they think this controversy will create viewers. 

I've got some bad news for the players and their owners. I will not participate. I know of many others who agree with me. I don't tune in sporting events to see political messages. I just want to see sports. If it is more important to these millionaires who make fortunes playing a kid's game to spread their hate and discontent than to play the game, they can do it without me.

I am sure that there are situations in this country that could be better, but I also believe if you are not comfortable living here, you should not let the door hit you in your rear end as you leave. I heard the other day a looter/protestor explaining that looting was a legitimate form of reparations. He believed he was owed the goodies he had stolen. That to me was the height of stupidity and as long as thinking like that exists, nothing is going to change. If you want your life to matter, do something that matters. 

Ron Scarbro August 26, 2020

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


So, how do you spend your days during this pandemic? If you are like me, you watch a lot of television. Sadly, the shows available leave a lot to be desired. 

I think I have seen every cop show that has ever been made. The same for sporting events. I love college football, but the games are not nearly as exciting when you already know the outcome. 

I absolutely refuse to watch soap operas and daytime game shows. The same is true for the talk shows. To my mind there is enough misery in the world without having to watch people looking for sympathy telling their most private stories.

No, the viewing choices are limited at best. 

I found an answer though. I started watching the HGTV Network. I watch people shopping for homes. Some are looking for permanent homes and some are looking for vacation homes. 

A recent show really caught my attention. A couple with six children were shopping for a new vacation home. What really got to me was the wife's requirement for at least three bathrooms. Her comment was that there was no way her children could share a bathroom. Hmmm, I thought. It brought back some memories. 

When I was a youngster our family didn't have such difficult choices. My parents, grandparents who lived with us, and my brothers did in fact have to share one bathroom. We didn't call it a bathroom though, we called it what it was, an outhouse. It was about fifty yards behind our house. It didn't matter if the sun was shining or the snow and rain was coming down. It was still fifty yards behind the house. We survived. 

And speaking of baths. That was pretty simple. My mother filled a big tub with water she drew from our well, heated on our wood stove, and poured into the tub. My two brothers and I shared that water. That's how we got our baths. The common thinking was that once a week was probably plenty. Again, we survived.

Speaking of survival, so much of what is restricted today was common in my youth. For example, lead-based paint. Everything was painted with lead-based paint. How about asbestos. My schools were insulated with asbestos. Our church was insulated with asbestos. In fact most buildings used the miracle insulation asbestos. 

We didn't have car seats or seat belts. My brothers and I had bb guns. We didn't shoot anybody's eye out. Speaking of guns, we also had real guns early on and went hunting before and after school. And yes, we kept our guns in our school lockers. It was never a problem. We saved our ammunition for the game we were hunting. We would never have wasted it on somebody's house or car. Besides, if we screwed up we would have gone to jail and we knew it.

Now I know times have changed. But, have people? Are we so different now than we were fifty or sixty years ago? Do people really need three bathrooms? I often wish we could return to the simpler times. I don't miss the outhouse, or the well, though. I am sure we had bad guys who committed crime, but you didn't hear about it so much then.

Concerning the lady who thinks she needs three bathrooms, whatever floats her boat. She might be surprised at how well her family could get along without them. 

Ron Scarbro August 16, 2020

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


If I was Joe Biden, I wouldn't want to debate President Trump either. Now it appears the Democrats are going to do everything in their power to prevent any televised comparison between Biden and Trump. There is a very good reason they don't want that comparison. But the American people deserve to see and hear that comparison. 

Televised debates are really mostly unproductive when trying to find a candidate's position because the candidates change their opinions like most people change their underwear. The real value is seeing the candidates under pressure. In this particular case, it will be helpful to determine if Biden is even intellectually capable of being President. I personally believe he is not. Another reality is that most smart Democrats know this also. That's the real reason they don't want him on stage in front of cameras next to Donald Trump. Joe Biden is a mental midget and a gaff machine. Donald Trump will chew him up and spit him out. 

Over the next few weeks this will be the scream from the liberal media. Debates are unfair. Debates are unnecessary. Corona virus prevents us from having debates. They will not let up either. One hopes the American people are smart enough to see through all this. We will see.

In the meantime the Dems are also going to try to extend the destruction caused by the China virus for as long as they can. They will fight any effort to help the American people, employed or not. They will defame and slander anyone who dares to say that the virus has about run its course. They will continue to fight to keep businesses closed and people afraid. All of that serves their narrative. It is interesting to note what happened in Germany. Several thousand Germans took to the streets and proclaimed that the pandemic was over. They warned their government to get things back open or else. We have yet to see what the official reaction will be. But it is interesting to see what happens when people have had enough.

Will the American people allow this pandemic miscarriage to continue? Will you allow it? How much will we put up with? To those who truly are living from paycheck to paycheck, how long can they last? To the businesses who have been shuttered for several weeks, how much longer will they allow politicians to control their lives? 

In the final analysis it is up to us. I spoke recently to a California resident who has been fed a steady diet of fear. They are afraid of even going out of their homes. This fear is a part of the Democrat plan to control the election in November. This individual was amazed that we don't live our lives in fear. He thinks I am not taking this virus seriously. In reality I do take it all seriously. The difference is I refuse to live my life in fear. I have a neighbor, a retired military man, who was recently accosted because he didn't have a mask on. He told his abuser that the only time he has ever worn a protective mask was when, during a battle, the enemy tried to kill him with poison gas. He said that was also the last time he was scared. That was many years ago.

Right now the biggest fear I have is that this country might actually elect Joe Biden. It won't hurt me that much. I'm an old man. It will hurt this country and the destruction may well be unrepairable. It will hurt my children and grandchildren. That, of course, hurts me. In my prayers I ask God to look after us, his people. I hope you will ask for His guidance also. We have never needed it more.

Ron Scarbro August 3, 2020