Wednesday, August 26, 2020


I think most readers of this blog believe as I do that man, all men, were created by God. He created white people and yellow people, red people and yes, black people. I don't think He preferred any one race over another. So, therefore, we were all created equal. I further believe that to God, all lives, being equal, matter equally. 

But, you know, some people are different. God created tall people and short people. Some excel in fields that others cannot. For example, I played basketball in high school. I wasn't very good, but I made the varsity team. I would have loved to play college ball, but again, I wasn't very good. Also I was only six feet tall. Try as I may, I could never be seven feet tall. Do you think I was discriminated against because of my height? Of course I was. That and the fact that I wasn't very good. I didn't parade in the streets. I didn't riot and burn down buildings. I just found other ways to entertain myself.

When I was in the Army, I did have another opportunity to play basketball. The other people who also played taught me early on why I could never be a basketball player. They were very good. Most of them were very tall. So I did the next best thing. I became a coach. 

Finally, now pro sports is resuming. Instead of sports though, we are going to be treated to various guilt trips and victim mongering. We have been told to expect players to be kneeling during the National Anthem. This seems to be some sort of demand for equality that they believe does not exist now. NBA players have decided to use their uniforms for various slogans and political messaging. The cowardly owners seem unwilling to stop this. The networks are going to play this all up because they think this controversy will create viewers. 

I've got some bad news for the players and their owners. I will not participate. I know of many others who agree with me. I don't tune in sporting events to see political messages. I just want to see sports. If it is more important to these millionaires who make fortunes playing a kid's game to spread their hate and discontent than to play the game, they can do it without me.

I am sure that there are situations in this country that could be better, but I also believe if you are not comfortable living here, you should not let the door hit you in your rear end as you leave. I heard the other day a looter/protestor explaining that looting was a legitimate form of reparations. He believed he was owed the goodies he had stolen. That to me was the height of stupidity and as long as thinking like that exists, nothing is going to change. If you want your life to matter, do something that matters. 

Ron Scarbro August 26, 2020

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