Wednesday, January 20, 2021


This is a dangerous time for our country. Regardless of your political preference, this is a time to just relax and let it all play out. Like many of you I would rather see Trump as President for the next four years, but that is not going to happen. Biden has been elected and the Democrats will take over this week. 


To me there is some good to be found in that. The entire country will see what we have been saying all along. Socialism will not work. Not because we will sabotage the new government, but because it has never worked. As Margaret Thatcher famously said, eventually you run out of other people's money. There will be no "green new deal". There will be no defunding of police. In fact, most of the campaign promises that were offered will not come to fruition. 


Why? Because there are some intelligent Democrats also. While Schumer and Pelosi have the numbers, they don't have the blanket submission they would need to make the changes they think they want. 


In fact, I think the next four years will be marked mostly by slow to no growth, increased unemployment, and more unrest in the world as China tests their strength and our unwillingness to deter them. 


In the election two years from now the Democrats will probably lose their majority in the House and maybe in the Senate also as the economy, which prospered under Trump, falters under Biden. 


There will doubtless be a flood of illegal immigrants coming across our southern border. The legal residents there are going to object loudly. Our Representatives will hear them. They will have to re-look at Trump's solutions and probably re-institute some of them, including the fence. 


Some who read this will not agree. Some seem bent on fighting the outcome of this election. As I see it, we have just a very few options. My view has been offered in the first few lines of this column. Another option is to sit around and gripe and be a victim. I don't think that will accomplish much. Some folks decided the best option was to rush the Capitol and interrupt the work of the Congress. Five people died, one being a police officer, and several have been arrested with more arrests yet to happen. Looks pretty unproductive to me. 


One final response is to go to war. It has happened before. As I have written, we are a country born out of revolution. The question is, do we have the stomach for a shooting war over this election? Thousands of innocent people would be killed. The entire country would be trashed and our economy would take generations to recover. And in the final analysis there would be no winner. Only losers.


We live in the finest country on earth. We have legal remedies for cheating and unfairness. Our citizens are some of the best people alive. We are generous to a fault. With some few exceptions we are law abiding, God fearing lovers of freedom. To put it mildly, we have come too far to throw it all away. 


The proper way to deal with our dissatisfaction over this election is through the next election. If Silicon Valley wants to interfere with it, we have the power to put them out of business. We just stop using their products. We don't need to riot and lower ourselves to their level. We just need to work harder and elect real, traditional Americans to office. 


The future is up to us. Make sure your Representatives hear from you whether you voted for them or not. If we are loud enough, they will hear.


Ron Scarbro January 19, 2021


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