When Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline to satisfy the "environmentalist crazies", I wonder if he considered outside entities interfering with our other existing pipelines.
Today lines of vehicles are building around the blocks of many cities in the southeastern part of this country due to a shortage of gasoline. All of this is because some group of criminals, probably Russian, decided to hack into one of the largest pipelines in this country and demand ransom. The pipeline owners must decide whether to pay the ransom and restart the flow of necessary fuel or refuse and suffer massive losses.
To those of you who think we could just move the fuel by truck, you should be aware that there is a critical shortage of drivers willing to haul gasoline. I understand there is also a shortage of trucks.
In other words, we are seriously unprepared for the hack to this pipeline. I will add that we are also suffering from an obvious shortage of pipelines.
We have in this country a small but loud group of people who apparently don't like people. They also seem to hate this country. They bill themselves as environmentalists but a closer look at this bunch shows them to be something else. Rush Limbaugh once said this group was the new communist party in America. He was probably right.
The next problem is that these radical fringe groups develop influence over politicians which results in radical fringe decisions from those politicians which ultimately hurts our country. Absolutely nothing positive was accomplished by the cancellation of Keystone. It was pure politics motivated by money. We, the people, are left to suffer.
Here's a simple reality, we need more pipelines, not less. We are not ready to be without fossil fuels. Just ask the folks waiting in long lines to buy gasoline. Maybe someday in the future we might be but we are nowhere near that place today. We still need gasoline, oil, and coal.
Another reality is we need to find this group who is demanding this ransom and shut it down in any way necessary. If the group is State sponsored by, let's say Russia, that country should feel the pain of stupid decisions. We have, for far too long, allowed Russia to get away with attacks on our country. Whether they be cyber attacks or jet airplanes flying too close to our aircraft, they need to be punished. They need to understand there is a price to be paid for messing with us. Sadly, that seems very difficult with this bunch we have in charge of our government right now. You may recall that nothing like this happened under the previous administration.
Think about this. All this is happening after just the first hundred days of Biden. Can you imagine what the next hundred days will look like? It scares me.
We have a border crisis on our southern border, a ransom attack on the biggest pipeline in the country resulting in a massive increase in the cost of fuel, and a president who seems unaffected by it all. He's too busy blaming Trump for all of it.
At the same time the Biden bunch are trying to sell the country on the need for huge tax increases which are guaranteed to ruin the economic growth that occurred under Trump.
I ask again. Is this what you Biden voters voted for?
Ron Scarbro May 11, 2021
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