Wednesday, January 26, 2022


We all know what NATO is. It is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Today it consists of thirty member nations and could grow even bigger. Ukraine wants to join NATO. Russia doesn't want them to join. 


NATO's purpose is simple. They were formed to promote peace and security. Member nations stand ready to send troops and material anywhere they are needed to insure any and all members are secure. Russia sees this as a threat to their security, or so they say. This is the alleged reason they don't want Ukraine to join NATO. I suspect the real reason is they fully intend to retake Ukraine back into the fold as a part of the new Soviet Union. The free world isn't going to let that happen. Russia is Russia and Ukraine is Ukraine. 


So, Russia sends thousands of troops to surround Ukraine. They threaten to invade and take over that country.


Now remember, Ukraine is not currently a member nation in NATO. The question is why should we care. We care because free countries all over the world should be allowed to choose the form of government they want and should be free from worrying about their neighbors invading and taking over. Plus, the last thing this world needs is another Soviet Union with intentions of world domination. It wasn't that long ago that Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher brought an end to the last Soviet Union. The world is safer because of this. 


Right now a game of chicken is being played. Who is going to blink first? I truly believe Putin is too smart to risk his entire country for the sake of Ukraine. Let's hope I am right.


We and they possess weapons that could destroy the whole world in a matter of seconds. Here in the twenty-first century, we all should be smarter than to get involved with M.A.D., mutually assured destruction. I certainly hope so. 


My biggest concern is who we have in charge. I do not have confidence in Biden to stand strong. I think Putin sees Biden as a joke. I heard recently that many European leaders now see Biden as a danger to the world. I understand their concern. We don't have Reagan or Trump so we are on our own. God help us. 


Just look at the first year of Biden. Everything he has touched has turned into mud. He is not up to the job. He lacks the requisite intelligence as well as the necessary courage to deal with the issues he faces. He basically is an embarrassment to this country. It's possible that the "saber rattling" that is going on right now is just an effort on Biden's part to get everybody's mind off of his incompetence as well as his low, low poll numbers. That would be unbelievably dangerous, but it is definitely possible. 


NATO, with our help will deal with Ukraine and we will hang on by our fingernails until November. 


Ron Scarbro January 26, 2022


Thursday, January 20, 2022


Enough is enough. We are going to be hearing this more and more going forward. I, like many others, believe the Democrats have worn this disease, Covid 19, out as a political weapon. Recently the Democrat governor of Colorado declared the pandemic over. They are going to need to find a new crisis to control the American people. I still find it difficult to believe how the Dems have gotten away with this charade for so long.


There is much more on the subject of enough. Let's consider the absolute runaway crime problem we are facing today. We have talked about this already. The solution is simple. Arrest the offenders and punish them according to the law. Releasing thugs with minimum or zero bail serves only the bad guys. The truly evil criminals who continue to prey on innocent victims are usually career professional crooks whose entire lives have been spent perfecting their craft and that craft is disobedience of law.


I have confessed before that I spend a lot of time in front of my TV. My viewing preferences include cop shows. It continues to amaze me the number of criminals who have criminal records. Young people who have committed seriously vicious crimes are out on the street, many of whom have already served their time in prison. I can remember when serious crime brought serious punishment. Just look at the beautiful young girl who was killed in Los Angeles just recently. The alleged killer has a record of crime dating back several years. He has now been arrested again. Let's hope this arrest sticks and this thug gets the punishment he deserves. If he is indeed guilty, he should never again breathe free air. If I had my way, he wouldn't be breathing at all.


It is bad enough that truly evil individuals are given very minimal sentences, but when those convicts are released early, many of them clearly show that they have learned nothing from the experience. It is past time to put the hammer down and put these clowns away for serious time for serious crime. Enough is enough.


How many more illegal aliens are we going to allow into our country? At what point will we say, enough is enough? The Democrats seem to have this pipedream that these illegals will all begin to vote and will vote Democrat. 


Just yesterday the effort of the Dems to create an easier way to cheat on elections was defeated. There was even Democrat support for that defeat. America is a law-and-order country and we are not going to allow a bunch of lefties to destroy that. It is imperative that we enforce the laws we have. Why are Democrats so upset that we would require voters to identify themselves? Do they believe, as do I, that Dems cannot win an honest election? Regardless, going forward, we will continue to enforce legal elections whether the Democrats like it or not. Enough is enough.


And finally, the idea that every shortage, whether products or personnel, is because of Covid. Is this a reason, or is this an excuse? Contrary to Biden's comments during his press conference, shelves are empty. Prices are through the roof. And it isn't because of Covid. It is instead because of bad government. It is because of stupid decisions. It is because of Biden. So, therefore I say, enough is enough.


Ron Scarbro January 20, 2022


Wednesday, January 12, 2022


I have a simple question. How could you, in the face of all that is going on, be a "progressive, liberal, Democrat"? Who can look at the absolute mess that Biden has created and say, "wow, that's my kind of government"? When you go to the store to buy groceries, or go to the service station to fill up your tank, or pay your rent, or spend or buy anything and deal with the prices, how do you say, "wow, how great Biden is doing"? If you voted for Joe Biden for President, you voted for this crap. 


The media, in their continuing effort to cover for all of this, screams, "it has to be Covid 19". People aren't getting vaccinated and they aren't getting their boosters. That's the reason we have these problems. Well, guess what. It isn't Covid 19. What it is is unAmerican, unconstitutional violations of law, and general incompetence. It is stupid people making stupid decisions and then lying about it all that is causing the mess. This is what happens when the voters make a mistake. 


I don't blame the voters totally. No, the national media has to share in their blame for this travesty. They allowed Biden to hide in his basement during the campaign. They refused to report on Hunter Biden's very questionable activities. They refused to connect the dots on the Joe and Hunter enterprises.  


Biden continues to hide behind his press secretary and let her handle uncomfortable questions.


The smartest thing Biden did was his selection of a Vice President. That was always designed to prevent impeachment. Well, guess what again.  

It isn't going to work. As soon as the midterms are done and the Republicans retake both the House and the Senate, I believe both of them will be impeached and we won't have to worry about Pelosi. Without her Democrat majority, she will be history.  By this time next year, we could be on the road to recovery. 


All of this begs the question. Who could be a progressive Democrat today? They have to be people who do not accept the Constitution as the law of the land and I'm talking about the Constitution as written. I'm talking about the Bill of Rights. Which of these rights do progressives think we would be better without? 


The first amendment allows us free speech. There is nothing in the writing that says what you might consider hate speech should be outlawed. Nowhere in the law are you or me guaranteed not to be offended. Besides, what you consider hate speech isn't hate speech at all. 


I have known some liberals and it is clear to me what they want is no restrictions on their actions. They don't want the police. They don't want laws. They want to be unfettered. Anything goes. If it feels good, do it. Sorry. That kind of nonsense doesn't work. We are a nation of laws and order. 


If rules are so offensive to some, remember, the door goes both ways. Shame on the national media for their bias and prejudice. Just find the facts and report them. The people will decide how to think and react. We are not now nor have we ever been the country these people think we are. We are center right and will continue to be.


Ron Scarbro January 11, 2022


Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Have you made any resolutions for the new year yet? Over the years I have made many. One of my favorites has always been to lose some weight. Does that sound familiar to you? Years ago when I was a smoker, I often resolved to quit smoking. Of course there have been many more because there have been many new year's days. Eighty-one in fact. 


I haven't made resolutions lately. Maybe it's because they are supposed to last for an entire year, not just a month or two. Besides, like most, I rarely kept resolutions. 


This year is different though. I am up there in years and somewhat challenged in my mobility so I watch a lot of television. My resolutions this year will deal a lot with what comes on the television screen. Not only programming but also the commercials. News programs are just a joke anyway. I always watch tv with my remote nearby. This comes in handy especially when commercials come on. 


So, here's a new year's resolution. I resolve to mute any and all auto insurance commercials. This is especially true for Progressive and Geico. I am fairly certain they control 75 to 80% of tv time followed closely by Liberty Mutual. They all waste their money on commercials at my house because I mute them. I have often wondered how much cheaper auto insurance would be if they spent less on television commercials.


Next, I resolve to mute any reference to Covid 19 or any variant spawned by it. If you turn on the news, the only news you will see is the latest numbers on those testing positive and of course the deaths. It looks like some sort of competition. New York is ahead of Michigan in numbers of infected and Florida is trailing everybody else. But how can that be because Florida has fewer mask rules and a general laxness about the whole disease? Besides, Florida's population is generally older. Shouldn't their numbers be higher? 


If you want news about traffic accidents, local crime, world affairs, etc., you will just have to wait until the breathless covid reporting is done. I don't know about you, but I am fed up with this political disease and hearing about it. Tap the mute button. 


Speaking of breathless reporting, how about Dr. Fauci? We are told he is a medical doctor but he sure doesn't act like one. He comes off as just another politician who is trying to stoke fear in people using this disease as their cause de jour. From the beginning I paid attention to him. I no longer do. He has become the little boy who cried wolf. He said we have to "level the curve". That made sense then, but it turns out that changed nothing. Now he just rattles on saying whatever the Administration wants him to say. Quick, tap that mute button.  


My next mute button is reserved for anytime Joe Biden is on the tube. Never has anyone said so little and thought it was so much. I often wonder if he even knows what he is talking about? He is an embarrassment to this country. I can only imagine how nervous his puppeteers must get when he goes off script. He could say anything and often does.  


Sadly, I will continue to spend my time in front of the tv set. My mute button is a blessing.


Ron Scarbro January 5, 2022