We all know what NATO is. It is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Today it consists of thirty member nations and could grow even bigger. Ukraine wants to join NATO. Russia doesn't want them to join.
NATO's purpose is simple. They were formed to promote peace and security. Member nations stand ready to send troops and material anywhere they are needed to insure any and all members are secure. Russia sees this as a threat to their security, or so they say. This is the alleged reason they don't want Ukraine to join NATO. I suspect the real reason is they fully intend to retake Ukraine back into the fold as a part of the new Soviet Union. The free world isn't going to let that happen. Russia is Russia and Ukraine is Ukraine.
So, Russia sends thousands of troops to surround Ukraine. They threaten to invade and take over that country.
Now remember, Ukraine is not currently a member nation in NATO. The question is why should we care. We care because free countries all over the world should be allowed to choose the form of government they want and should be free from worrying about their neighbors invading and taking over. Plus, the last thing this world needs is another Soviet Union with intentions of world domination. It wasn't that long ago that Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher brought an end to the last Soviet Union. The world is safer because of this.
Right now a game of chicken is being played. Who is going to blink first? I truly believe Putin is too smart to risk his entire country for the sake of Ukraine. Let's hope I am right.
We and they possess weapons that could destroy the whole world in a matter of seconds. Here in the twenty-first century, we all should be smarter than to get involved with M.A.D., mutually assured destruction. I certainly hope so.
My biggest concern is who we have in charge. I do not have confidence in Biden to stand strong. I think Putin sees Biden as a joke. I heard recently that many European leaders now see Biden as a danger to the world. I understand their concern. We don't have Reagan or Trump so we are on our own. God help us.
Just look at the first year of Biden. Everything he has touched has turned into mud. He is not up to the job. He lacks the requisite intelligence as well as the necessary courage to deal with the issues he faces. He basically is an embarrassment to this country. It's possible that the "saber rattling" that is going on right now is just an effort on Biden's part to get everybody's mind off of his incompetence as well as his low, low poll numbers. That would be unbelievably dangerous, but it is definitely possible.
NATO, with our help will deal with Ukraine and we will hang on by our fingernails until November.
Ron Scarbro January 26, 2022