Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Today I will share a fact with you, citing no less than the Bible as my authority, that there are really only two genders. Now I recognize this fact flies in the face of today's "science", but there are males and there are females. That's all. No others. In Genesis, chapter one, verse twenty- seven, we are told that God did in fact create all of this including humans and He created them as males and females. In verse twenty-eight, we were further commanded to "be fruitful and multiply". That is the reason there are two genders. To be fruitful and to multiply you need both a male and a female. No other combination will produce the desired result. This fact may upset some folks but sorry, reality sucks. 


There's a reason I chose to write about this. Does the name, Lia Thomas, ring a bell with you? Lia is transexual woman who was born as a male. Well he, yes I did say he, is on a woman's college swim team and swims competitively against women in races. As a male swimmer he was very average. As a female swimmer, he wins. He wins because, while he says he's a female, he actually is a male. As a male he is stronger than the women he competes against, and the college where he attends doesn't have the courage to call him out on it. I imagine he also showers with the girls too. 


Now, before all the "woke" people of the world come down on me, I'd like to explain. I understand there can be accidents in nature. Some of you know that I was a hog farmer at one time. I saw thousands of hogs. In all the years of hog farming, I only saw two pigs that were born with both male and female parts. We immediately sent the mother sow to slaughter. That ended that then and there.


I have never heard of a human being born equipped as a male and a female, although I guess it is possible. In the lesser animal kingdom these critters would be culled by their own. The reason is simple. It is the nature of all animals to get rid of freaks and those who just don't belong.  They have no value to the herd. 


This all brings questions to my mind. Why would otherwise intelligent people such as university administrators, allow this miscarriage in women's sports? They know this guy is a male. He may even believe himself that he is a female, but that changes nothing. It is also possible that he is just taking advantage of woke morons. From his point of view, he gets to compete with girls who cannot beat him and he knows it, plus after the races, he gets to shower with the girls’ team. Hmmmm. What could possibly go wrong with that?


In the final analysis it ain't funny. Unless this crap is dealt with it could easily bring an end to women's sports of all kinds. One thing is clear. If I had a daughter playing on any team where guys were allowed to compete just because they decided they were now girls, I would not allow my daughter to participate. 


When will the really smart people stand up for reality? When will nonsense like this be identified for what it is? I miss real life.


Ron Scarbro February 23, 2022


Wednesday, February 16, 2022


I don't know about you, but I dislike fear mongering and conspiracy theories.  But I am going to share with you a thought which will just not leave my brain. Call it what you wish but what if this issue with Ukraine is not really the big deal we have been led to believe. What if Biden is just using this poor hapless country to change the subject? Don't get me wrong. I don't believe Biden is smart enough to conjure up a scenario like this by himself, but maybe with his puppeteers, it could happen.


I don't want this to come as a shock to Biden and his cronies but, he has more problems than killing a few thousand people in Eastern Europe will fix. 


So, consider this. What if I am right? How many people do you suppose would die if this nonsense continues? I am talking American lives as well as Ukrainian lives and any NATO members who might join us on this adventure. All to try and move public opinion away from the ugly reality of Biden's presidency to something else. 


Politics in this country is becoming a dirtier business than ever in my lifetime. As more and more revelations come out from ongoing Special Counsel Durham's Trump/Russia investigation, it is clear that Hillary Clinton and her campaign lied and tried to get rid of Trump. The entire Russia collusion story was a lie that started with Hillary and grew under her continued pressure and financing. It was all designed to make Trump vulnerable both as a candidate and then as a sitting President. Imagine what he could have accomplished had he not been under constant media scrutiny because of lies.


Fortunately, Hillary and others in her campaign could now face criminal indictments for their crimes. I am still looking forward to seeing Hillary Clinton doing the "perp" walk in an orange jumpsuit. That would be justice. In fact, I would love to have the orange jumpsuit franchise because a large number of them are going to be necessary.


Add to this the media. How many in the so-called mainstream jumped onto the Russia, Russia story and breathlessly reported it as if it were true? Nobody checked anything out. Nobody tried to verify any of the nonsense. They just accepted Hillary's account. All of this during a Presidential campaign which she was supposed to easily win. Why didn't it occur to any of these clowns that there was a good probability that Hillary was lying?  


So, now what? Who goes to jail? Who gets sued? What is Trump's response? The fallout of the lying campaign spilled over into the 2020 election. We wound up with a dufus as President who is not only incompetent but also dangerous. 


Thankfully, today Russia seems to be rethinking her position concerning Ukraine. I hope so. It is not because they are afraid of Biden. They, and the whole world, know who and what Biden is. No, if they back down it will be because of internal pressure from the Russian people themselves. They know thousands would die if Putin attacks Ukraine not to mention the sanctions that would be imposed. 


I remember when we could trust and believe our leaders. I know politics has always been dirty, but lately it has gotten ridiculous. This doesn't bode well for our country. 


Ron Scarbro February 16, 2022


Wednesday, February 9, 2022


I have a question. Who among you believes if we had elected Trump instead of Biden, we would be in the situation we are in? 


We are on the brink of a world war with Russia and China. We are facing the near future with all kinds of shortages. Prices are through the roof and getting higher. Gasoline prices are ridiculous. As we have said before, everything Biden has touched has failed miserably.  


First of all, I believe if Trump was in charge, Putin would have kept his mouth shut and his troops at home. China would not be flying their war planes over free Hong Kong. These two little dictators wouldn't dare make a man like Trump mad. 


They are rattling their sabers now because they believe Biden is a weakling and will not challenge them. Biden showed his true color during the surrender of Afghanistan. And yes, it was a surrender. We lost at least thirteen soldiers, billions in arms and equipment, and who knows how many Afghanis who were loyal to us during the conflict. Beyond that, we lost the confidence of our allies throughout the world. 


Thinking back to the last election, the media decided that Trump could not be allowed to win another election. They would see to it. They allowed Biden to hide in his basement and not face any tough questions. Now we all see the result. Are you happy now mainstream media? Is this what you had in mind?


There is the very real possibility that we will have to live with this situation for three more years. Our best hope is that the Republicans will take back the Congress, sending Pelosi and Schumer back to their mansions and their ice cream freezers. That at least will rein in the stupidity coming from this Administration.


Already a number of old time Democrat lawmakers are retiring and not returning to Washington. Some are even switching parties. There is not much doubt that the election will bring the necessary changes we all need.


Then what? Some have speculated that Biden will be impeached. The problem with that is, we will still have Kamala Harris to deal with. In my mind she couldn't administer a girl scout troop, let alone the USA.


I think a strong, Republican Congress can and will be able to control anything Biden comes up with. 


I would love to see some criminal prosecution of Hunter Biden along with others who are breaking our laws with impunity. That is unlikely though. I would love to see criminal prosecutions for aiding and abetting. I am now referring to the people assisting the criminals who are breaking and entering our country illegally. They are being helped by judges, border patrol officers, and police agencies along the border. Most of whom are following orders from the White House. Sadly, that too is unlikely. 


2024 will also bring a new day to this country. A number of quality candidates are making themselves known. As we get closer to election day, I'll get on board and share my thoughts then. Meantime, keep a happy thought. It will be over with soon.


Ron Scarbro February 9, 2022


Wednesday, February 2, 2022


The very first amendment to our Constitution guarantees us the freedom of speech. It is not ambiguous. That is the freedom that allows me the opportunity to write this weekly column offering my views on various subjects. And, nowhere in that same Constitution are we guaranteed that we can live our lives free of offense. What may be hate speech to some may well be completely innocent chit chat to another. On a number of college campuses today, there are groups trying to control the speech of others. Their buzz word is "hate speech". 


At Colorado State University there is a posted notice that offers victims a place to go and get solace when they have been exposed to speech that offended them. 


"Did the big bad man say something that upset you? Did he say we should support the police or the military?" I can see how you would see that as hate speech and how you would need comforting after such exposure. Let's go get some hot chocolate and cookies and let our brains deal with the anguish. It'll be alright tomorrow. We'll just have to figure out a way to stop people who say such evil and uncomfortable things. 


This may be a bit of an exaggeration, but it is happening. It is amazing what some believe is hate speech. 


One of the biggest problems facing CSU and others who purport to save us all from hateful things, is there is no solace for those of us who are offended by the mental midgets who hate America and her traditions. Years ago I wrote a column wherein I said, if you are offended by the presence of police officers, the next time you are in trouble, call a hippie. What is defined as hate speech by some of these snowflakes is really just innocent conversation.


The real problem is that eventually these little offended college students have to go out into the real world. In the real world there is no hot chocolate and cookie respite. There instead is competition. There are people trying to succeed. In the real world your success is determined by your effort, your talent, and your intelligence. If reality offends you, you have a bigger problem than I can help you with in a mere column.  


In simple terms, suck it up buttercup. Listen to opposing views. You might even learn something. Life has a way of teaching. Gain some experience. Try and fail or try and succeed. 


Many years ago I was told the quickest way to become a Republican was to get a wife, a job, and a mortgage. It worked for me. That's when reality really hits home.


Ron Scarbro February 2, 2022