Thursday, March 31, 2022


I have been posting a column to the web for several years. These have been weekly postings. Lately I have become aware that I have been doing a lot of griping about Biden and his terrible performance as President.


I have decided to cut back on my postings to maybe two a month. I could use the break and probably you could use a break from my complaining. I will continue to advise you of any posting when we do. If we change back to weekly columns, we will let you know. 


Thank you for being a loyal audience. 


Ron Scarbro March 30, 2022 


Thursday, March 24, 2022


It doesn't take a long time for me to get tired of a war. This Ukraine mess has been going on for over three weeks now and I have already had a belly full. I am sure I am not alone. Putin is an international terrorist who is also now a war criminal. He's a baby killer and seems to especially like civilian targets. 


Other world leaders seem reluctant to call him out for his crimes. But Ron, he's got nuclear weapons. We don't want to upset him. Well guess what. We have nuclear weapons too and probably much more sophisticated than Russia’s. It is long past the time when Putin worries about what we might do as we spend less time thinking about what Putin might do. Nobody wants a nuclear war but we cannot show any reluctance to defend the free world. 


We have seen the level of incompetence of his army just recently. They seem poorly trained and poorly led. Most are extremely young and miss their mommies. As more and more of them are shipped home in body bags, believe me, the parents and relatives of these kids are going to have some serious questions for Putin and his generals. Speaking of his generals, it has been reported that 3 or 4 of them have been killed by the Ukrainians in battle.  In addition, reports today are that up to 10,000 Russian soldiers have also been killed by the Ukrainians. I'm pretty sure that's not what Putin had in mind when he decided to invade this little country. 


Already thousands are demonstrating in Russia and other countries around the world. You can't do what Putin is doing without consequence. He has arrested thousands of his own citizens for even questioning the emperor's decisions. The news media in Russia can only report what the Kremlin allows. Any criticism of Putin results in a 15-year prison sentence.  


All of this leads me to hopefully believe this war will soon be over.  We are left with a nut case in Russia and a questionable case of senility here at home. Not a happy place to be. One hopes saner minds will prevail. We can only hope. 

Ron Scarbro March 24, 2022


Wednesday, March 16, 2022


In February we observed "Black History Month." I thought that was great. Over the years of my life I have had several black heroes. My favorite singer has always been Ray Charles. Any song he ever covered became his own. Ray is followed very closely by my second choice, Johnny Mathis. He had a way of delivering a song that had to make the composer proud. Another black hero of mine is Barry Sanders. Probably the greatest running back pro football has ever seen. He made the game fun just moving and shaking through defenses who couldn't touch him. Quarterbacks rarely threw a pass when Barry was in the game. Now, lest you think my black heroes are limited to music and sports, my all time favorite economist was Dr. Walter Williams. I probably learned more about how our economy works from him than anybody I know. Dr. Williams is followed closely by Thomas Sowell. Another brilliant thinker who teaches what he knows. Of course I have had black friends along the way as well as employers and employees. 


No sooner had Black History month ended when "Women's History Month" came along. Wow, I thought, this is great. I have had many women heroes in my life. Why wouldn't we celebrate them? So, who are the female heroes in my life? Well, that's easy. Number one is and always has been my lovely wife, Linda. We are in our sixtieth year of marriage as of today. Some congratulate us for such a long marriage to which I say, it has been my pleasure. She gave this world two great people, my children. They have become, thanks to her marvelous teaching, outstanding and very productive citizens. I am confident they will continue to be assets to this country. My mother ranks high on my list of heroes. She was a very young country girl when she married my father. She didn't finish high school. She raised three sons and a daughter. And she figured out a way to feed them all with virtually no money. There was always enough food. I remember when she took a skinny little fryer chicken about the size of your fist, made a chicken pot pie, fed eight people and they all thought they had had chicken. She was amazing. There have also been some historical women who come to mind. Margaret Thatcher for one and then there's Condoleezza Rice. When Biden was looking for a woman "of color" to nominate for the Supreme Court, he passed right by Conde Rice. She is the right gender and the right color. She also has the advantage of being extremely intelligent. Maybe that was the reason Biden didn't pick her. 


Well, with those two months behind us, the only thing left is "white guys" month. That's gotta be next, right? You know as well as I that month is not going to happen. The reason is simple. White guys don't need any pandering. Wait Ron, you mean to tell me that Black History month and Women's History month are just examples of political pandering? Call me crazy, but yes, that's what I think. 


Clearly white guys have contributed more to the development of this country than any other group. I have more white heroes than I can count. And yes, some mistakes were made but more right decisions than wrong ones were made. For the most part we have corrected our mistakes. Let's face it. White guys are not going to get the recognition they deserve, but I don't think they care. I know I don't.


Ron Scarbro March 14, 2022 


Wednesday, March 9, 2022


We are largely financing Russia's criminal war on Ukraine. Because of Biden's stupid decision to terminate energy production in this country, we now buy about 400,000 barrels of oil from Russia every day. We are pouring millions of dollars into Putin's filthy hands every day. He is using those millions to pay for his adventurism.


What would happen if, instead of buying Russian oil, we restarted our own energy production? Did you know that the Keystone pipeline alone would deliver the same amount of oil that we are buying from Russia every day? Did you also know that on the day that Biden destroyed our energy production we were a net energy exporter? If we restarted our energy production it would be just a matter of days before we could say "nyet" to Putin's oil. And a few days after that we could be selling oil and natural gas to Europe. That alone would take a lot of heat off of Europe. 


"Update, update." Biden announced this morning that we would indeed stop buying any energy products from Russia. That sounds good but as usual, that doesn't solve the problem by itself. He needed to go further and restart our domestic energy production. By not starting our production, he virtually guaranteed gasoline will hit $5.00 a gallon and maybe even higher. Liberals just cannot connect the dots. For every action there is usually a reaction. Hang on. It's going to get uglier. 


So, that's step one. Step two is a little iffier but doubtless very effective. What if we fired some missiles at Russia? Now I am not saying we should do it ourselves. We would get one or more of our NATO partners to be our proxy and fire on Russia themselves. The moment the Russian military learned that their homeland was under attack, they would turn their tanks around and go back to Russia. As big and powerful as they are, they can't be in two places at the same time.  


Of course, the big reason we don't fire missiles at Russia is the possibility Putin would start world war three by taking the nuclear path. Is Putin that stupid? Probably. His closest advisors would have to stop him and they may not have the nerve.


The reality is that if Putin pulled out his nuclear warheads, so would we. Hence, MAD, mutually assured destruction. Millions of people would die. The earth could very well disappear in such a war. Who is the winner then?


The only possible answer is diplomacy. Even if Putin tries to start the big war, we have to resist the urge to take him out. We have to trust some very untrustworthy people to exercise some judgment. His closest advisors would all stand to lose everything they have including their lives.


So here we are. Stuck between a blood thirsty terrorist and a moron. Who blinks first? Who decides to use good judgement? It's a pretty scary thought that the future of the world ln which we live is in the hands of these two idiots. 


I think and I hope cooler, more intelligent heads will prevail and this mess will find a conclusion. When it does, we absolutely must legislate an end to our ability to get involved in situations like this again. We are the most powerful nation on earth and we must have a President who fits in the role of leader of the most powerful nation on earth.


Ron Scarbro March 9, 2022


Wednesday, March 2, 2022


According to a February 2022 poll, there are 7.9 billion people on this earth. But today, we hear a lot about just one of them. Vladimir Putin. 


Back in the 30s an individual decided he was destined to rule the world. His name was Adolph Hitler. Hitler and Putin have a lot in common. You would think that out of 7.9 billion we could find someone more worthy of worldwide attention than this clown. A quick look at history tells us something Putin would be wise to know. It didn't end well for Hitler and it won't end well for Putin either. When it became clear that Hitler's domination plans had failed, rather than face the condemnation of the world, he blew his head off. He was a coward. His closest advisors took themselves out also. It's what cowards do. 


Let's look at Putin now. He obviously has questions about his own manhood. He also appears to have a Napoleonic complex. He seems to have a need to be adored when in reality he's just a punk. 


Now let's look at what this particular punk has done. Just because he is a head of state, he still has to obey the law. So then, if a person decides to commit murder, regardless of the reasons they offer, they still are just committing murder. The free, private citizens of Ukraine don't owe Putin or Russia any allegiance. As a free and independent country they deserve to be left alone. Putin decided they would have to bow down to him or he would kill them. He would blow up hospitals, schools, buses, subway trains, bridges and anything that pleased him. Killing people is what murderers do. Putin is nothing more than just a cold blooded baby killer. He deserves the condemnation of the entire world. I sincerely believe Putin is a short timer for this world. He doesn't have the support that he thinks he has. His own people will turn on him and he will be all alone to deal with his crimes against humanity. He would be fortunate if one of his own Generals took him out. It will take many years and generations for Russia to regain any semblance of acceptance into the world of nations, not to mention a standard of living that just flew out of the window with Putin's first air strike. 


It is no mystery why Putin chose this time to put his domination effort into play. He saw abject weakness in Joe Biden. When Biden shut down the energy production in this country, he opened the door for Putin. 


It is now clear Biden has a job that must be done immediately. Restart and recharge our nation's energy production. In a few short weeks not only will energy prices go down, but Russia will then face a serious money shortage with cheaper oil. In addition, we will have the ability to supply oil to Europe. Russia is then out of business. This will also go a long way toward reducing the inflation Biden caused when he shut down energy production in the first place.


So, what then happens to Putin? Here's a reality. If someone picks up a weapon, gun, knife, bomb, or even just a stick, and breaks into his neighbor's property, then kills his innocent neighbor, he must face criminal prosecution for aggravated, premeditated first degree murder. In most parts of the world the punishment is death. 


There is no defense for punks like Putin. The world needs to rain down on him and to do so immediately before he murders thousands.


Ron Scarbro February 28, 2022