I watched as Biden recently announced that he was doing everything in his power to bring prices down. That is either a complete lie or a statement of absolute incompetence. When he first took office he set about canceling everything Trump. He stopped the Keystone pipeline. He halted offshore oil exploration. He stopped fracking. He declared war on the fossil fuel industry. He and his minions actually believed if Trump did it, it had to be canceled. He stopped the border fence and basically threw open the gates of this country to the entire world. After all, that was a Trump program so it had to be bad. I think these morons truly believed in what they were doing. That shows their ignorance and now this whole country is paying the price.
We, the voters, put these clowns in office so we have only ourselves to blame. This should be a big lesson. When a candidate hides in his basement during his campaign for office, and the media allows him to get away with it, you can count on the fact that his subsequent election will be a disaster.
Today we don't know who really is running our government. Biden cannot put enough words together to make a coherent sentence, so it isn't him. Incidentally, neither can Harris. We are finally learning to some extent China's involvement in our policies. Because of Hunter Biden's active selling of influence to China, Russia and others, we don't know just how much Biden is compromised.
Why hasn't our Justice Dept. been getting to the bottom of this corruption? Over the next few days and weeks we are going to learn how much we have been sold down the river. The Bidens have all become millionaires and we the people are getting shafted.
We have been living with an insidious disease and it is about to be healed. When the Republicans take back the Congress in November, number one on their list should be to fire the entire upper echelon of the FBI and the Justice Dept. Their replacements should then begin immediately seeking indictments for all of those who participated in the corruption of our government, regardless of their position. We don't have a two-tiered justice system. You don't get a "get out of jail free card" just because of your position. That goes for the President or anybody else.
So, what's next? I have been seeing bumper stickers on cars calling for the impeachment of Joe Biden. I wouldn't have thought that possible with Harris and Pelosi waiting in the wings. Maybe it is just getting too serious to leave him in office.
Putin and Biden are actively trying to stoke up a nuclear war which would result in millions dead. Both of these clowns are just plain crazy. Hopefully the Russians will take their clown out before the world has to eliminate Russia from the map. I am sure they hope we get rid of our clown as well. Right now I don't think we can wait until 2024.
Ron Scarbro October 18, 2022