Wednesday, October 5, 2022


We are getting closer to the midterm elections which brings out the best and the worst in people. Just a few months ago the media was forecasting a landslide win for Republicans. The closer we get to the election the more the so-called polls seem to favor the Democrats. What changed? Well one of the things that changed was the liberals got scared and had to change the polls thinking that would change the outcome of the election. 


I recognize that most of the regular readers of this blog will vote Republican. But you may know someone on the other side. It is my hope that you might share these thoughts with them to see if they truly understand what their vote means. 


If you vote for any Democrat candidate you are saying you are okay with 25% inflation and worse. That of course means 4- and 5-dollar gasoline prices as well as winter fuel oil prices through the roof. Some people will have to choose between heating their homes and eating. In America? Are you kidding me? The inflation we are experiencing was caused simply by stupid liberal policies and programs. Contrary to what Biden is saying, Trump had nothing to do with today's inflation. Had Trump won in the last election we would not be facing fuel prices like we have. In fact, we would be energy independent and would be selling our excess to Europe and others. We would not be facing the prices we are seeing at the grocery store. This all happened after Biden decided to screw up everything Trump had created. His war on fossil fuel started it all. 


If you vote Democrat, you are saying it is okay for millions of illegal aliens from all over the world to trespass into our country bringing their diseases, their poverty, and all their problems with them. You are saying it's okay for them to bring illegal drugs that are killing Americans by the thousands. 


In no particular order let's see what else has been foisted on this country by Democrats. The FBI and the State Dept. have been weaponized by this administration to go after any possible opponent in 2024. Even if they can't actually bring any criminal prosecution, they are going to keep trying to defame any opposition to Biden. 


Another little problem with politicizing government agencies is it becomes almost impossible to prosecute actual criminals like possibly Hunter Biden, Joe Biden and any other Bidens who might be taking huge checks from China or any other possible foe of this country. Hunter Biden has been selling access to Joe Biden for years. And they have been getting away with it. Every day that Hillary Clinton spends as a free person is an insult to America. She should have been jailed years ago. 


These are but a few of the problems we experience with Democrats in charge. Is this the country you want? Is this what you voted for? 


The head of the Federal Reserve said recently that to overcome inflation we all must experience pain. So, to lower prices the government has to raise the cost of money.  Hmmmm.  It must make sense to somebody. Just not to me. It seems counter productive to me to destroy the wealth of millions of Americans which is what raising the interest rate causes, in order to reduce prices.  We saw what happened when Alan Greenspan did it a few years ago.  Here's a thought. Why don't we just unscrew the Biden screw ups. Let's restart the Keystone pipeline. Let's close and secure our border. Leave the coal miners alone. Let's require able-bodied people to work. Today there are more jobs available than people to fill them. Let's put this country back to where it was when Trump left. 


Finally, let's return to common sense. Send the Democrats packing and put adults back in charge. 


Ron Scarbro October 2, 2022


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