Wednesday, March 8, 2023


Have you heard of the book “Mein Kampf”? It was written by Adolph Hitler during one of his prison stays. I have not read it completely myself as Adolph Hitler’s writings have never appealed to me. But it is pretty obvious Joe Biden has.


In the book he makes his philosophy clear. Tell a lie and tell it often and before long people begin to accept it as the truth. 


You may remember the State of the Union address where Joe Biden brought back the lie of lies that the Republicans wanted to sunset (bring to an end) Medicare and Social Security. So egregious was the lie that during the speech Members of Congress screamed out “liar.” Even that bastion of liberal nonsense, The New York Times, agreed it was a lie. 


In keeping with Adolph Hitler’s admonition, Biden continued the lie several times after the speech. Aside from being a liar, he also appears to be tone deaf.


The question that I have is what good does this lie do for Joe Biden or the Democrats? Here’s a reality. Joe Biden will not be the Democratic candidate for President in 2024. I don’t know who they will pick, but it ain’t going to be Joe Biden. There are a lot of possibilities like Kelsey Gabbert or even some unknown. Regardless, it is going to be a strong uphill battle and I don’t envy the task before them. 


The question is, why does Biden feel that he has to lie to the American people? Is the truth so in opposition to his agenda? If so, maybe he should change his agenda. There are some truths here that need to be clarified. First, the Republican Party has no intention of sunsetting either Social Security or Medicare. Both of these programs are basically untouchable. The Democrats aren’t going to either. It would be political suicide.


We are probably going to hear a lot of lies before the next election. But this is a truth, Biden is too old for the job and mentally incompetent. So my advice is just hang on and find the truth where it lies. The Democrats aren’t going to be fooled either.


Ron Scarbro, March 5, 2023


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