Biden has been pretty quiet lately. His handlers must be hiding him in the basement already in preparation for the upcoming election. They absolutely cannot allow him to make any public speeches or proclamations. He seems to have an uncanny ability to say the wrong thing at the wrong time.
For example, just last week he told us to remember Easter not as the most important day on the Christian calendar for its religious significance, but instead to remember the day as "transexual awareness day". Oh, and he also supervised the White House Easter egg roll. He however declared that none of the eggs could have any religious symbols or in any way reflect any religious significance. Hmmm. Maybe the untold millions who celebrate Easter as the day Christ rose from the grave are getting it all wrong. Silly me. Maybe it should be a day of watching sexually abnormal people play with bright colored eggs.
If I were a Democrat, I wouldn't want this moron anywhere near a microphone. You never know what is going to come out of his mouth. I don't think he does either.
This begs the question. How in the world do the Dems plan to go forward with this next election? Biden has already proven he is incapable of serving as president. Trump already leads in the polls. Biden isn't getting any younger or any more capable. Kennedy is draining off potential votes. All in all it looks pretty grim for the Democrats. Which is good for the country.
I don't want to help the Democrats but if I did, I would suggest perhaps a different candidate. The problem, of course, is who would that be? Some have suggested Gavin Newsom, current governor of California. Then we could turn the entire country into another California. I think not. No doubt Democrats have a problem.
Personally, I believe if they thought more like Republicans, their choices would be easier. What is that thinking you may ask? Well I'm about to tell you.
First, personal responsibility. Next, a strong military. In fact, the strongest. The economy. Quit spending money we don't have. Put America first. Secure our borders. Support law enforcement. Don't use the Justice Dept. as a private police dept. They belong to the American people, not to any political party. Finally, all people are equal. Many groups who claim they want equality actually want special rights.
As you can see, it's easy to be a Republican. And the country needs it. We just want to be Americans loyal to the Constitution. If you don't think this way, maybe you should re-examine your thinking.
Ron Scarbro April 9, 2024
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