Wednesday, May 22, 2024



There seems to be a lot of young people demonstrating these days. Some are pro-Israel and some are pro-Hamas. Most, I suspect, are just along for the ride and don't really know what side they are on. What puzzles me is where do they get the time to demonstrate? Do they not work? Go to school? Who is paying their way?


I remember when I was a youngster I didn't have time for any such nonsense. First of all, when I was seventeen years old I joined the Army. I don't think they would have allowed too much demonstration. As I have said before, my joining the Army wasn't necessarily a patriotic thing, it was an either join or be drafted. This brings me to the point of this column. 


Those of you in my age bracket will remember the draft. It was simply a fact of our lives at the time. I just read where the various branches of service are having difficulty getting enough new recruits. Maybe it's time to re-institute the draft.


Another problem though is that over seventy percent of 17 to 24 year olds couldn't even qualify to enter the service. When I was that age all you had to do was make fog on a mirror and you were in. Things have definitely changed. I also have read that the services don't really want draftees. They much prefer volunteers. I understand that but, maybe for the good of  everybody, we should just draft them and then train them. It works. I have seen it work. I was stationed with a number of draftees and most of them became good soldiers. Some didn't like it, but eventually they came around. 


It turns out that my joining was the best thing I did. I have continually received so much more than I gave. I was a seventeen year old hillbilly and the Army turned me into a grown man. I traveled the world and saw things most will never have the opportunity to see. Today as an 83 year old, the VA sees to my health care and my medications. I have a VA loan on my home. Contrary to what you may have heard about the VA, they take excellent care of me.


On Memorial Day we honor those who gave their all so that we can be free. Let us never forget. Freedom is not free.

Ron Scarbro May 22, 2024


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