Thursday, April 26, 2018


Every now and then my number one critic offers her “helpful” criticism of my columns. Now to understand, my number one critic also fixes my breakfast and does my laundry. I therefore can handle the occasional comments about my writing but doing without breakfast and laundry gets to be a bit more problematic. So, I decided to give her criticisms serious consideration.

Her most recent observation was that my columns had become too negative and that I should concentrate more on the positive things around us. She has a point. It is much easier to see the negative because there is so much of it. It turns out that there is much positive news too.

For example, our economy is on fire. Unemployment is down and wages are headed up. On a recent trip to our little town I saw many, many signs on businesses looking for help. The fact is that today jobs outnumber the people looking for them. That alone will cause wages to increase because employers must have employees and will pay more to get quality help. They also will try harder to retain the employees they already have, ergo more raises and benefits. This is just good news.

Dear Leader little Kim of North Korea has announced that he is getting out of the nuclear business and will denuclearize the Korean peninsula. Of course he has said that before and is a proven liar, but this time it is a bit different. He and President Trump are scheduled to sit down to a meeting. I believe Kim and his cohorts are coming to the realization that Trump isn’t someone to be played with and that they had better pay attention. The country they save may be their own. More good news.

Real estate values are recovering and headed up. That means that most Americans’ wealth is also headed up. The stock market, while gyrating up and down, will continue to be the right investment for almost everyone.

Taxes have been slashed for all Americans. Companies are sharing that windfall with their employees. Paychecks are getting bigger. Buying power is increasing which means better profits for business. The “trickle down” economy is alive and well. All of this bodes well for the country. Sorry liberals.

Trade agreements are being renegotiated. President Trump is insisting that fairness in trade is essential if we are to participate. China is getting the message. By the way, they need us a lot more than we need them. Their existing thievery of our intellectual property will no longer be allowed, period. China’s financial existence depends largely on their willingness to get on board.

More good news. The Iranian Nuclear Agreement is on life support and Trump is about to pull the plug. Illegal treaties, those without Congressional approval, will come to an end. We have laws and rules and even Presidents have to obey them. Sorry Obama.

Here’s some more good news. Colin Kaepernick is still unemployed. The NFL is smart to stay away from this poison pill. Perhaps he can get a job in Europe where he has been giving “hate America” speeches. Maybe he can play soccer or cricket.

Several California cities and counties are joining the Federal lawsuit against their own state to undo SB 54. This law forbids allowing law enforcement from assisting ICE or even informing them of illegal aliens having been arrested or from being released from jail. The polls in California show clearly that Californians are opposed to this silly law.

Most of the good news above is because Donald J.Trump is in the White House. Again, sorry liberals. Hopefully by writing this column I will still be able to have breakfast and enjoy it wearing clean clothes. It was worth a try anyway.

Ron Scarbro

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