Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Every time I think I have heard it all, something new comes out of the very infertile minds of leftist loonies. It has been reported that a number of new and prospective parents have decided not to identify their newborns by any gender specific pronouns. Instead of babies, they will henceforth be known as “theybies”.  Their thinking, if I may use the term thinking, is that their offspring should be able to decide their gender based on their feelings, not on their birth equipment. They don’t want these theybies to be encumbered by any undue influence of, for example, nature. Such behavior on the part of these people is at the very least parental failure and probably more accurately could be called child abuse.

I have some bad news for these morons. When an individual is conceived their gender is already decided regardless of how they feel about it. Granted, some can alter their appearance and even their nature with chemicals and surgery but, in the final analysis a baby born as a male will always be a male. The same is true for girls. Some go for surgical alteration and chemical treatments to look like another gender, but boys will be boys and girls will be girls. Reality bites. Generations in the future will look back on all this and be awed by our insanity.

Speaking of insanity, a number of municipalities across the country are starting a program whereby families are given money each month. They don’t have to work for it, they just have to be. This loony leftist thinking appears to be that the only thing people need to consider themselves equals is a steady income whether they earn it or not. Here is another situation where reality is going to bite. What this will do is create a larger pool of street drug dealers and enrich booze sellers. Police will have to work much harder to keep the streets clean and safe. Domestic violence will increase. Self-esteem will continue to plummet. Whatever happened to the requirement that man will earn his living by the sweat of his brow? I guess that’s just old-fashioned thinking.

Regardless of what anyone may think, this nonsense cannot and will not work. Pouring taxpayer money into the hands of idle loafers will not improve their lives, it will have the opposite effect. Once again we will witness the fact that reality bites.

A number of Democrats are now adopting a new leftist theory of socialism. Not new to the world, but definitely new to America. Well, here’s some more bad news.
Socialism doesn’t work. It never has and it never will. As in any and all situations, some enterprising folks always rise to the top of the heap and start gathering up all the free money the government gives to the citizens. As is always the case, the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. Just look at Venezuela. Hugo Chavez’s daughter is the richest person there and most of the Venezuelan people cannot even feed themselves or find toilet paper. A major revolution is coming and they will again have to start over. Reality is going to bite big there.

For me and most of the great citizens of this country, realty is fine. Reality is reality. It doesn’t bite and it doesn’t punish. Reality allows for the propagation of our species. As in the “lesser” animal kingdom we have male and female offspring born. That insures their species will continue. The same is true for humans. I cannot be a unicorn. As much as I might wish for it, it ain’t gonna happen. I can even identify myself as a unicorn, but reality is that I’m just a human being. Some things are just the facts and like it or not, it isn’t going to change.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Are you as disgusted with all the nonsense as I am? We have had this clown, Peter Strzok in front of a Congressional committee supposedly answering questions about how he and his cohorts were going to interfere with the will of the American people by somehow stopping the election of Donald Trump. He succeeded in only one way. He proved beyond any doubt that he is an idiot and incapable of anything positive and belongs in prison. The Democrats on that committee showed their true colors by giving this traitor a standing ovation. One even suggested that he be given the high military honor of the Purple Heart. Are you kidding me? Strzok and John Carey could then go around and present themselves as military heroes. This all makes me sick to my stomach. Neither of them could shine the boots of any military person, let alone an actual hero.

My next question is simple. Where are Sessions and Rosenstein? Weren’t they appointed by Trump? Aren’t they supposed to enforce the law? Let’s face it. Hillary Clinton, were she anybody else, would long ago have been put in prison for her crimes. The law enforcement bodies which we, by our votes, have hired have the goods on her. What are we waiting for?

I understand the wheels of government move slowly, but this is getting ridiculous. Because of our unwillingness to act on Hillary’s criminal activity, she actually thinks she has a shot at becoming the next President. On the face of it it looks like a poorly written comedy series for television, but its real. Real and very dangerous.

Silly, naive me. I thought that if we elected a Republican President, and gave him a Republican majority in the Congress, we could get this country back on track. Granted, the economy is moving along well. Granted we also are getting trade issues dealt with. We are even sitting down with some very bad leaders who doubtlessly understand that they have no other choice but to deal with us, but there is so much more that needs to be done.

The national media should be ashamed for the way they are impeding the work of our President. Their “fake” news and their disrespect show more about them than it ever shows about the subject of their vitriol. Most of them have lost all credibility and may never get it back. Speaking of my naivety, I remember when we had a political party in power, and the out of power party served as the loyal opposition. Those days seem to be gone forever. I’m an old man, but I have children and grandchildren and I don’t want them to inherit this mess.

I write letters to my Congressman and have even sent him some of these columns, but I doubt he ever reads any of them. In his letters to me he seems to be serving in some ceremonial role rather than actually getting anything done. I read about his meetings and see pictures he sends of all the important people he sees, but I don’t really care about all that. I want to see our Congress get after the work of the American people. I want “contempt of Congress” to mean something. I can’t be alone in my thinking.

With all that’s going on there is good news to consider. Just imagine if you will, where we would all be if Hillary Clinton were naming Supreme Court Justices. President Trump, by the single act of naming Justices who know and respect the Constitution, will do more to save our Republic than all the other acts he will perform. It is obvious, America is still under Divine protection and as long as we are, we’ll be fine.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


I got a letter from my Congressman the other day. He informed me that he and a number of his Congressional colleagues had signed a “civility” pledge. I thought that was just great. Civility has seemed to disappear from the public, especially in political conversation. I wrote him back asking if he would please send me the names of all the Democrats who have signed that civility pledge. I haven’t heard back from him.

Speaking of civility. Somebody needs to put a sock in Maxine Waters mouth. If you are a Democrat you have to know she is not helping your cause. She and the other loud mouths currently chasing microphones and television cameras are further adding to the lack of any civil conversation. Is this what you want going into the fall elections? Do you think the majority of this country really wants to eliminate I.C.E.?  Apparently some Democrats want to eliminate any borders on this country, and they also do not want police protection. These are doubtless losing positions for any election in this country.

The Democrat party is headed into the 2018 midterm elections with what has to be the lamest platform imaginable. They hate the tax relief that has caused the economy to explode and to reduce unemployment to its lowest historical levels. They hate the fact that the deregulation which has been the trademark of the Trump Administration is actually working and causing businesses to grow and expand. If you could find one who would tell you the truth, they hate the fact that “trickle down” economics actually works and all their lamebrained schemes from the past don’t work.

Now President Trump has named Brett Kavanagh as the next Justice of the Supreme Court. I think he is an excellent choice and he will be confirmed and probably with some Democrat votes. Several “red” state Senators see the handwriting on the wall and know where their constituents stand. Defying the President and the American people any further would not be very smart going into the fall, don’t you think?

To top off the Dem’s immense disappointment, it was just announced that Hillary may actually try again in 2020. Please let it be so. You talk about a cake walk. I am pretty sure the Republicans will withhold any further legal action against Hillary just in case she actually goes for the golden ring again. Well before the election, Hillary will be before a Grand Jury with indictments virtually guaranteed.

Let’s face it. The Democrat party is in trouble. They don’t have a viable candidate for 2020, they don’t have a platform, and they are split beyond their wildest imagination. A large number of them want America to become a socialist state resembling the losing governments in Europe and they are quite willing to take the entire country over that cliff to get what they want. Well guess what, it ain’t gonna happen. America is a center-right country whose conservative values are increasing just as the Democrats are going the other way. More moderate Democrats will likely just stay home until the party comes to its senses. The smarter ones will get on board the Republican train and participate in the continued growth of this, the greatest country on earth. Time, indeed will tell.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


There have been several recent decisions by the Supreme Court which were five to four. That’s good news and bad news. First the good news. Five members of the Supreme Court understand the Constitution, have common sense, and know their duty under the law. The bad news is that four of our supreme, black robed arbiters of the law apparently cannot read. Either they can’t read or they just choose to make law rather than interpret law. Basically, for some time our American way of life has been hanging by a five to four majority. That absolutely must come to an end.

Before the 2016 Presidential election, I wanted one thing above all others. I wanted a conservative individual who respected the Constitution and upheld it. I believed that person would be in a position to name at least two new justices and maybe even more. I believed then as I do now that naming proper people to the high court would be this new President’s most important accomplishment. I did not think Scalia would be the first to leave the bench, but that is what happened. Now with Kennedy leaving, President Trump is blessed with the opportunity of securing this country for years to come. With the frailty of a couple of the others, more justice choices are possibly on the horizon.

There is no doubt that people bring their prejudices and political opinion to the bench, but the Supreme Court absolutely must be free of political bias. We have a book of rules. We are a law and order society with clearly defined laws. We have the Constitution and that is what separates us from the rest of the world. Judges who choose to write law rather than just interpret law should run for Congress, not sit on the bench.

Today it is more important than ever that we have thoughtful “Constitutionalists” on the bench. With the lunatic fringe known as the “progressive” movement working hard to take this country over the cliff, our very survival as a nation depends on traditional, conservative principles. The hateful, vulgar, insane rhetoric from the left makes it clear that they will not be satisfied until they turn this country into a European style, socialist cesspool. Apparently they are not smart enough to see what has happened to countries like Greece and Spain. Germany is not far behind. Here’s the message to all you morons, Socialism does not work. Eventually, as Margaret Thatcher once said, you run out of other people’s money. The only chance we have for our country to survive is capitalism

Today it is vital that some of the more thoughtful Democrats who also want the country to survive and succeed, to step up. Step up for the law. Step up for civility. Step up for common sense. You know that socialism cannot work and would never work in America. We are running out of time and you know it.

Stephen Colbert is heard to have said concerning the retirement of Justice Kennedy, “We are supremely screwed.” No, Stephen, you might be supremely screwed but for the rest of the country we may well be on the road to the salvation we desperately need.  

Another Democrat operative is reported to have said, “We are working to win the hearts and the minds of the American people.” Probably, but, the rest of us are working for the survival of America and that cannot happen with progressive, socialist policies.

I look forward to the naming of our next Justice of the Court. I believe the President will make a thoughtful, wise choice. I pray that there will be other opportunities to name even more Justices over the coming months. We can only hope. Five to four is just too frightening for this country.

Ron Scarbro