I have some bad news for
these morons. When an individual is conceived their gender is already decided
regardless of how they feel about it. Granted, some can alter their appearance
and even their nature with chemicals and surgery but, in the final analysis a
baby born as a male will always be a male. The same is true for girls. Some go
for surgical alteration and chemical treatments to look like another gender,
but boys will be boys and girls will be girls. Reality bites. Generations in
the future will look back on all this and be awed by our insanity.
Speaking of insanity, a
number of municipalities across the country are starting a program whereby
families are given money each month. They don’t have to work for it, they just
have to be. This loony leftist thinking appears to be that the only thing people
need to consider themselves equals is a steady income whether they earn it or
not. Here is another situation where reality is going to bite. What this will
do is create a larger pool of street drug dealers and enrich booze sellers.
Police will have to work much harder to keep the streets clean and safe.
Domestic violence will increase. Self-esteem will continue to plummet. Whatever
happened to the requirement that man will earn his living by the sweat of his
brow? I guess that’s just old-fashioned thinking.
Regardless of what
anyone may think, this nonsense cannot and will not work. Pouring taxpayer
money into the hands of idle loafers will not improve their lives, it will have
the opposite effect. Once again we will witness the fact that reality bites.
A number of Democrats
are now adopting a new leftist theory of socialism. Not new to the world, but
definitely new to America. Well, here’s some more bad news.
Socialism doesn’t work.
It never has and it never will. As in any and all situations, some enterprising
folks always rise to the top of the heap and start gathering up all the free
money the government gives to the citizens. As is always the case, the rich
will get richer and the poor will get poorer. Just look at Venezuela. Hugo
Chavez’s daughter is the richest person there and most of the Venezuelan people
cannot even feed themselves or find toilet paper. A major revolution is coming
and they will again have to start over. Reality is going to bite big there.
For me and most of the
great citizens of this country, realty is fine. Reality is reality. It doesn’t
bite and it doesn’t punish. Reality allows for the propagation of our species.
As in the “lesser” animal kingdom we have male and female offspring born. That
insures their species will continue. The same is true for humans. I cannot be a
unicorn. As much as I might wish for it, it ain’t gonna happen. I can even
identify myself as a unicorn, but reality is that I’m just a human being. Some
things are just the facts and like it or not, it isn’t going to change.
Ron Scarbro