Wednesday, July 11, 2018


I got a letter from my Congressman the other day. He informed me that he and a number of his Congressional colleagues had signed a “civility” pledge. I thought that was just great. Civility has seemed to disappear from the public, especially in political conversation. I wrote him back asking if he would please send me the names of all the Democrats who have signed that civility pledge. I haven’t heard back from him.

Speaking of civility. Somebody needs to put a sock in Maxine Waters mouth. If you are a Democrat you have to know she is not helping your cause. She and the other loud mouths currently chasing microphones and television cameras are further adding to the lack of any civil conversation. Is this what you want going into the fall elections? Do you think the majority of this country really wants to eliminate I.C.E.?  Apparently some Democrats want to eliminate any borders on this country, and they also do not want police protection. These are doubtless losing positions for any election in this country.

The Democrat party is headed into the 2018 midterm elections with what has to be the lamest platform imaginable. They hate the tax relief that has caused the economy to explode and to reduce unemployment to its lowest historical levels. They hate the fact that the deregulation which has been the trademark of the Trump Administration is actually working and causing businesses to grow and expand. If you could find one who would tell you the truth, they hate the fact that “trickle down” economics actually works and all their lamebrained schemes from the past don’t work.

Now President Trump has named Brett Kavanagh as the next Justice of the Supreme Court. I think he is an excellent choice and he will be confirmed and probably with some Democrat votes. Several “red” state Senators see the handwriting on the wall and know where their constituents stand. Defying the President and the American people any further would not be very smart going into the fall, don’t you think?

To top off the Dem’s immense disappointment, it was just announced that Hillary may actually try again in 2020. Please let it be so. You talk about a cake walk. I am pretty sure the Republicans will withhold any further legal action against Hillary just in case she actually goes for the golden ring again. Well before the election, Hillary will be before a Grand Jury with indictments virtually guaranteed.

Let’s face it. The Democrat party is in trouble. They don’t have a viable candidate for 2020, they don’t have a platform, and they are split beyond their wildest imagination. A large number of them want America to become a socialist state resembling the losing governments in Europe and they are quite willing to take the entire country over that cliff to get what they want. Well guess what, it ain’t gonna happen. America is a center-right country whose conservative values are increasing just as the Democrats are going the other way. More moderate Democrats will likely just stay home until the party comes to its senses. The smarter ones will get on board the Republican train and participate in the continued growth of this, the greatest country on earth. Time, indeed will tell.

Ron Scarbro

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