Wednesday, July 3, 2019


I tried to watch the Democrat debates. I couldn’t do it. It would be one thing if any one of them had a single workable new idea, but alas, it was just more of the same socialist crap they have been spewing for a few years now. Even on the rare occasion when a questioner would ask a legitimate question, the answers didn’t match the question. And there was no follow up to the unanswered questions. When you consider who put this debate on, it is certainly understandable that the questions were lame.

I came away from these events with this simple question. Is this the best the Democrats have to offer? Are they saying that all across this great country, these candidates are the best they have? That is indeed sad.

The media has been playing the winner, loser game. Who did the best? Who had the best showing? Who won? Who lost? Well, I have been paying attention to the post-debate conversation by the media.  Not to be outdone by the talking heads with the pretty hair, I have made some observations myself.

My losers were easy to spot. They were Biden and Bernie. Both of these aging politicians were ill suited and ill prepared for these debates. That is not to say however that the others did any better. It is only to say the others were prettier, which should play well to their base who seem to be more concerned with appearance than substance.

Consider this group. We have a homosexual guy who is married to another homosexual guy and he is not even the man in the marriage. He’s the wife? This ought to play very well with a tiny minority of the far left Democrat base who see this as normal behavior. How do you think the rest of the world would view this relationship? Then there is the candidate who could not even win a Senate seat in his home state, a black former prosecutor playing the race and victim card, some assorted Governors and government employees who seem bored with their jobs, a pretend American Indian, and a big city Mayor who couldn’t win reelection as Mayor. If I were a Democrat, which thank the Lord I am not, I would be embarrassed.

Lest you think Trump is going to have an easy time next November, I would caution you. The fact that this bunch of candidates could even be considered for the highest office in the land is concerning. Most of them have a constituency. There are voters out there who would seriously vote for some of them. 

Ever since Donald Trump announced that he would run for President in the last election, he has been under attack. Since his election both he and his supporters have been relentlessly defamed and attacked as well. Did you hear what former President Carter just said? He believes Trump didn’t actually win the election but was instead installed in office by the Russians. His senility is showing. The only reason he was not the worst President in history is because the voters elected Barack Obama.  We need to go on offense. We have been on the defense too long.  

We start by demanding prosecution of all the individuals who conspired to overthrow this government both before Trump’s inauguration and since. Hillary Clinton, and all her cohorts should face a Grand Jury. The clowns running the CIA and the FBI as well as the Justice Dept. should all be doing a perp walk and fitted with orange jumpsuits. They all need to be so busy defending their sorry acts that they have no time to appear on CNN or MSNBC attacking Trump or his Administration. And we, all of the deplorables, the great unwashed, need to stay on this offensive. We are basically two Supreme Court Justices away from saving this country. This is not the time to give up the ship. 

Debate that, Democrats.

Ron Scarbro 

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