Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Concerning the Democrat contenders for the Presidency in 2020 some things are just not in dispute. I am going to lay out some of these facts for our review. 

First, there is this little matter of Hunter Biden sitting on the Board of Directors of Burisma, an energy company in Ukraine. It has been reported that Hunter earned anywhere from fifty to eighty thousand dollars per month for his efforts. Anybody with an ounce of brain matter knows the only reason Hunter Biden got that plush job was because his father, Joe Biden, was at the time Vice President of the United States and in charge of our relationship with Ukraine. There hasn’t been any report as to whether Joe got any of that money, but you can come to your own conclusion. Hunter held that position for about five years and pocketed some serious money.

Joe insists there was nothing illegal about any of this. Maybe, I’m not a lawyer or a judge. But I am a voter and I know when something smells, and this smells. In fact, it stinks. Anybody in this country who doesn’t see the problem with this is either stupid or just blind to reality. 

A cursory investigation of Hunter Biden is also quite revealing. He was kicked out of the military for cocaine use. He is not of sterling character. He was also completely unqualified to sit on any board of anything. No, this was political quid pro quo. When Ukraine attempted to investigate Burisma and their connection to Biden, VP Joe threatened to withhold aid to them unless they fired the prosecutor and ceased the investigation. Then Joe bragged about his bullying. It got his son off the hook. 

Here’s a question. How could any Democrat look at what Joe Biden did and see nothing wrong and at the same time attempt to impeach a sitting President for a phone call in which Trump allegedly asked the President of Ukraine to investigate the corruption of Burisma and possibly Biden. In this instance there was no quid pro quo, just the idea that Ukraine did have a financial interest in following through. How could Trump be guilty and Biden be innocent? Curious, wouldn’t you say?

How about Mayor Pete Buddigieg? This guy is an avowed homosexual who lives in a marriage with another homosexual and Pete serves as the wife in the relationship. Can you just imagine this clown traveling to different parts of the world, representing the United States as President, and attempting to negotiate with people who are required by their religion to kill homosexuals on sight? 

I know nothing about this guy and I really don’t care. If he wants to live that perverted lifestyle, that is his choice. But if he wants to be President of the United States, then it is the voter’s choice. I would be greatly surprised if he got any more than two per cent of the national vote and that would be too many.

Then we have Elizabeth Warren. Are you kidding? This is an individual who lied about her heritage in order to gain favorable standing at Harvard. That is an insult to both Native Americans and her true heritage. She has screamed hatred for millionaires and yet she has become one. Here’s a question. How? How does a US Senator earn that kind of money?

Speaking of millionaires, never mind. Let’s speak of billionaires. Steyer and Bloomberg have apparently decided to just buy the Presidency. Both are spending millions buying ads trying to convince normal people that they are also normal. Not gonna work. They are elitists who have zero conception of what life is really like. Bloomberg has been on a tear trying to take away our guns for years. He also doesn’t think you have enough intelligence to decide how big your soft drink should be. Both of these clowns think we should look to them for these decisions because they obviously think they know best. 

To them both I say, go away. I neither want nor need your help.

Ron Scarbro
December 11, 2019

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