Wednesday, April 28, 2021


In my memory I have never seen a disease so infiltrated with politics as I have seen with this pandemic. I am convinced the Democrats quite successfully used the disease to defeat Trump. They continue to use this pandemic to take away rights and privileges from all Americans. Travel restrictions, gathering restrictions, religious service restrictions, and many others which basically have destroyed business. Restaurants have been shut down and tens of thousands have lost their jobs. 


And the face masks. I don't know about you, but I'm about over face masks. I see people driving their cars alone with face masks on. If I am having surgery I expect my surgeon to be wearing a mask. I do not expect football players to be wearing masks. In my view, more political nonsense. In reality they probably cause more problems than being helpful.


So, what have the liberals gained from these restrictions? Control. Government control over every aspect of our lives. Today, even with some relaxation of these arcane rules, many businesses cannot find employees to fill the jobs left open by the pandemic. Many will say unemployment compensation is higher than my former salary. That, folks, is the control I am talking about.  


Another little item in the news is this headlong rush into the new green agenda. It was just reported that the lefties want a new law restricting your red meat consumption to four pounds per year. Red meat includes hamburger, bacon, steak, roasts, pork chops, sausage, ham, chicken, etc., etc. Do you know how much four pounds is? Considering just hamburger, that's sixteen quarter pounders. Now I don't eat sixteen quarter pounders in a year, but somebody does. Can you imagine how many people would be put out of work with nonsense like this? Billionaire Bill Gates suggested we should give our red meat to the rest of the world and we should eat vegetables instead. What a moron. Bill, if you want to be a vegetarian, go for it. I promise not to mess with your food if you just leave my food alone. Oh, and by the way. Gates just bought up thousands of acres of prime farmland in this country. Hmmmm.


The latest nonsense emanating from the less than fertile brains of the left is the defunding of the police departments. The Mayor of Brooklyn Center, MN said that police should not be armed at all during traffic stops. A Congresswoman from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, says police are too militaristic and should all be disarmed completely. 


Now, there have always been morons in this world, but how on earth did they get into positions of power? Who voted for these idiots? What does that tell you about those voters?


I recently saw a commercial on television. There were several gorgeous hamburgers frying on the grill. Next they showed a package of hamburger on the counter. Then a hand comes down and slaps the package with a sticker that says "plant based". Well guess what. All my hamburger is plant based. It just happens that the plants are passed through the cow first. 


I think that if the Democrats don't get a handle on the nut cases that supposedly represent them, and open their mouths to the closest microphone, we are witnessing the total destruction of that party. America is a much different country than they would have you believe. 


Several states have recently passed laws identifying themselves as Second Amendment sanctuary states.


Others have passed laws forbidding individuals born as biological males from participating in girls sporting teams. 


The more traditional America is challenged by the liberal left, the more they are going to react. Not happy news for AOC and the puppeteers pulling the strings which control Biden.


Ron Scarbro April 25, 2021 


Wednesday, April 21, 2021


If you voted for a Democrat, any Democrat, in the last election, let's see what you voted for. If after seeing this and you are still okay with your choice, then you will surely be okay with the destruction of America as we know it. Maybe some don't like America as it is. I have long said, the door swings both ways. As Merle Haggard once said, "If you don't like it, leave it." I suspect that if they had ever seen other countries in the world where freedom doesn't reign, they would quickly change their tune. 


The Democrats are now introducing legislation to pack the Supreme Court. They want to increase the number of Justices from nine to thirteen. Since the Court is currently a six to three split with conservatives in the majority, four more liberals would eliminate that conservative majority in favor of a liberal majority. The chances of them pulling that off are slim because they would need sixty Senators to vote for it. Not a problem because the Dems also want to eliminate the 'filibuster" rule which basically requires sixty votes for approval. The Senate is currently fifty/fifty but the Vice President could vote in the event of a tie. 


So they get rid of the filibuster and then the sky’s the limit. Next comes making Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico states, both of which are majority Democrat. That would insure Democrat control of the country for generations. 


One other little change the Dems want is to eliminate borders to this country thereby creating the possibility of millions more Democrat voters.


All the while they are raiding the treasury of this country to pay for their "pie in the sky" pipe dreams. 


Elimination of all fossil fuels, ending coal mines and oil wells, putting millions of people out of work seems to be their biggest wish. I am sure they see windmills and solar panels all across the country.  


There is a problem though. Paying for all this nonsense. Oh, they say, we will just raise taxes on the filthy rich. The rich don't need all that money anyway. We will just take it away from them. Big corporations have so much money they won't miss a few billion every year. 


It is past time for all of the thinking people in this country to wake up. One of the biggest flaws in the thinking of liberals is that they never connect the dots. Unemployment under their plans would go through the roof. Rich people would take their money and find a new place to live. Major corporations would relocate to more tax-friendly countries.


The money necessary to fund all the liberals wish lists would dry up.


Finally, the Democrats want to take your guns away. A little thing like the Second Amendment is not going to get in their way. My question then is, would the First Amendment be the next casualty of their revamping of America?


Is this what you voted for? 


There is a simple solution to all this. It is absolutely essential for the voters to elect a Republican majority in the Congress in 2022. That would bring all the silliness to an end. It would send Nancy Pelosi back to California. Schumer would fade into history's dustbin. 


At that point the border could again be secured. The Supreme Court would be left alone to adjudicate according to the Constitution instead of the personal feelings of some special interest group.


Our energy industry would be recharged and return us to energy independence. Our treasury would once again find and hold a semblance of balance. 


The fact is that we owe this to our children and our grandchildren. We owe this to all who fought to make and insure our freedom. We owe this to ourselves.



Ron Scarbro April 19, 2021


Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Sometimes when I pick a subject to write about, it is very easy. Lately it has been easier than ever. Never in my imagination would I have thought we would have such an imbecile serving as our President. But we do. 


The person who fixes my breakfast and edits my columns has said I spend too much time obsessing about Biden. To which I reply, “But it's so easy.” But, when she is right, she is right. So, this week I'm going to leave Biden and those who control him and pull his strings alone. 


I will write instead about the biggest word in the news today and that is racism.   


First, I want to make it clear that I am not a racist.  I resent the constant accusation that because I am caucasian, it is assumed by some that I would be a racist. I also resent the idea that because I am white that I should apologize for that. I further resent the thought by some that I have some kind of privilege because I am white. Like every person who has ever been born, I had nothing to do with what race I am. All of this is total nonsense. 


I strongly suspect that this particular "red herring" is used to make excuses for a group of Americans whose choices, not their skin color, leaves them behind others in America. 


As I have reported before, I am a product of rural Appalachia. In other words, I am a "hillbilly" or "redneck" if you would prefer. I did not have the 

opportunity to attend college. I basically had to educate myself. I had a pronounced southern accent, which many equated with a lack of intelligence. 


I decided early on that if I was going to have any success at all, I had to learn how to speak proper English. I watched TV news and paid attention to the way they talked. I hung around with people who I thought could help educate me. I worked to eliminate the hillbilly accent. 


I have had a modicum of success, but it is not and never was because I was white. I worked for my success and resent anyone who thinks it was handed to me because of my skin color.  


MLK Jr. thought we should be judged by the content of our character. I totally agree. Just this week a huge rap star, DMX, died because of drug use which led to a heart attack. He was just 50 years old. He fathered fifteen children with nine different women. He had one wife but was divorced. He probably could afford it but, how many young black babies are born without a father and without the financial means of this rap star? And there is a huge difference between a father and a sperm donor.


Does my thinking that this is irresponsible and wrong make me a racist? I don't think so. Facts prove that fatherless children are much more apt to live in poverty, fail to get a proper education, and end up in jail. This isn't a matter of their skin color, it's a matter of their choices and the choices of their parents. The same is true for all races. 


Throwing around the racist accusation is rapidly causing the word to lose its sting. It is similar to saying the sky is falling, or that the world is coming to an end in ten years because of climate change. 


I believe racism does exist but not as rampant as the accusation would have you believe. And I also believe you don't have to be white to be a racist. I think we all need to be more civilized and responsible. That would go a long way toward fixing what ails us.


Ron Scarbro April 12, 2021


Thursday, April 8, 2021


Are you watching the increase in the price of gasoline? As the saying goes, "you ain't seen nothing yet." 


When Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline and stopped oil drilling on all federal lands, as well as bringing an end to oil shale excavation, he pretty much guaranteed explosive increases in the cost of gasoline. Sadly it will not end with just energy prices. 


Shipping costs will increase. Manufacturing costs will increase. Heating costs will increase. In fact, most sectors of our economy will face more pressure because of energy costs going up. On top of everything else, Biden is proposing a massive tax increase. This increase is supposed to pay for so-called infrastructure improvements. Also included in the "progressive" wish list are programs to improve green energy and do away with fossil fuels. The lefties continue trying to push us away from fossil fuels and more toward the magic of "clean" energy. Energy price increases will be the most massive tax increase we will face.


Is this what the Biden voters voted for? What did they think was going to happen?


Consider this. Estimates are that at least a million people will illegally cross our southern border and become a major problem for whatever area they eventually land in. This is a Biden-created problem. I call it another unforced error.


There is now a report that the Biden Administration is planning a wind farm off the coast in the Northeast. If you plan to watch unobstructed views of the sunrise, forget it. You will see windmills instead. 


Someone sent me a video yesterday showing a helicopter hovering over a frozen windmill in Texas spraying some chemical, made out of a petroleum product, using volumes of fossil fuel to keep the helicopter in the air, in order to thaw the windmill so it could turn and produce cheap non-fossil energy. Am I the only one who sees the stupidity in all that?


Every day we are seeing most of the great accomplishments of the Trump years being trashed by Biden and his regime. Our energy independence is going to disappear. We will once again be at the mercy of OPEC and other oil producers. 


Biden, in an effort to explain his tax increase, says no one who makes less than $400,000 per year will see an increase. You want to bet? Sears doesn't pay taxes. Wal-Mart doesn't pay taxes. Their customers, you and me, pay those taxes through increased prices. That's the little secret the liberals don't want you to know. 


Above are just a few of the changes happening to our great country just since Biden took over. In my mind they are more like blunders than just changes. In addition to the disasters I already mentioned our place in the world has dropped to unbelievable levels. 


Ours is truly a country created by geniuses being run by morons. Is this what those who voted for Biden wanted? Do Democrats really want to destroy our country? Is that what this is all about. Show me anybody who sees what is happening and is happy about it. Who could be that stupid?


The question is how much will traditional Americans put up with before they say, enough? How far will we have to sink before it becomes clear to even the most liberal of the liberals that we are on the wrong path? Then the question will be, what are we going to do about it? I don't want to even think about that. I can tell you this, it won't be pretty. 


Ron Scarbro April 6, 2021