Wednesday, April 21, 2021


If you voted for a Democrat, any Democrat, in the last election, let's see what you voted for. If after seeing this and you are still okay with your choice, then you will surely be okay with the destruction of America as we know it. Maybe some don't like America as it is. I have long said, the door swings both ways. As Merle Haggard once said, "If you don't like it, leave it." I suspect that if they had ever seen other countries in the world where freedom doesn't reign, they would quickly change their tune. 


The Democrats are now introducing legislation to pack the Supreme Court. They want to increase the number of Justices from nine to thirteen. Since the Court is currently a six to three split with conservatives in the majority, four more liberals would eliminate that conservative majority in favor of a liberal majority. The chances of them pulling that off are slim because they would need sixty Senators to vote for it. Not a problem because the Dems also want to eliminate the 'filibuster" rule which basically requires sixty votes for approval. The Senate is currently fifty/fifty but the Vice President could vote in the event of a tie. 


So they get rid of the filibuster and then the sky’s the limit. Next comes making Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico states, both of which are majority Democrat. That would insure Democrat control of the country for generations. 


One other little change the Dems want is to eliminate borders to this country thereby creating the possibility of millions more Democrat voters.


All the while they are raiding the treasury of this country to pay for their "pie in the sky" pipe dreams. 


Elimination of all fossil fuels, ending coal mines and oil wells, putting millions of people out of work seems to be their biggest wish. I am sure they see windmills and solar panels all across the country.  


There is a problem though. Paying for all this nonsense. Oh, they say, we will just raise taxes on the filthy rich. The rich don't need all that money anyway. We will just take it away from them. Big corporations have so much money they won't miss a few billion every year. 


It is past time for all of the thinking people in this country to wake up. One of the biggest flaws in the thinking of liberals is that they never connect the dots. Unemployment under their plans would go through the roof. Rich people would take their money and find a new place to live. Major corporations would relocate to more tax-friendly countries.


The money necessary to fund all the liberals wish lists would dry up.


Finally, the Democrats want to take your guns away. A little thing like the Second Amendment is not going to get in their way. My question then is, would the First Amendment be the next casualty of their revamping of America?


Is this what you voted for? 


There is a simple solution to all this. It is absolutely essential for the voters to elect a Republican majority in the Congress in 2022. That would bring all the silliness to an end. It would send Nancy Pelosi back to California. Schumer would fade into history's dustbin. 


At that point the border could again be secured. The Supreme Court would be left alone to adjudicate according to the Constitution instead of the personal feelings of some special interest group.


Our energy industry would be recharged and return us to energy independence. Our treasury would once again find and hold a semblance of balance. 


The fact is that we owe this to our children and our grandchildren. We owe this to all who fought to make and insure our freedom. We owe this to ourselves.



Ron Scarbro April 19, 2021


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