I was recently watching one of my favorite TV preachers, David Jeremiah, who spoke on the subject of lying. His message was, don't believe the lies. He went on to explain more specifically the lies from the national media as well as those from politicians. It is clear that we are being lied to on a regular basis.
I have to admit. I have spent most of my life as a naive watcher of the news and the political scene. I even believed it when Walter Cronkite said, "and that's the way it is" at the close of his newscast. I, like millions of others, thought that truly was the way it was. Well, that has come to a crashing halt. I have lost all confidence in the credibility of any news source. Today Fox News comes as close to the truth as anybody. They are famous for their slogan, "We report, you decide." Unfortunately they decide what they report. The decision not to cover an important story is the same as lying about it.
When you look at the important issues facing this country today, how could you not report on the invasion at the southern border? How could you ignore the Americans we left behind enemy lines in Afghanistan? What about Hunter Biden? Any reasonably intelligent person knows he sells influence and access to his father. And he has been doing it for years. I guarantee you Uncle Joe is getting his share too. The news agencies who refuse to cover this are all guilty of lying to the country.
Let's see now. "You can keep your own Doctor." Or "I did not have sex with that woman." Here's one, "We will leave no Americans behind in a war zone." Or, "Our southern border is closed. Don't even try to come or we will just deport you back to your home." In reality there are too many lies to cover in this brief column, but they are all lies.
I heard Biden tell a group of reporters that the Border Patrol whipped Haitian illegal trespassers with leather whips from horseback the same way slave owners whipped their slaves years ago. Another lie. The Border Agents held reins to their horses, which is how one controls a horse, and did not use any whips of any kind. Just another lie.
I like "Trust the science." Hmmm. In the last few days I have heard from many "scientists" and they all seem to have different views of what is going on. From Covid to Global Climate Change, it seems you can find an expert to say anything you want them to say. Just like the actual origin of this virus. Any reasonable person with an ounce of intelligence knows the Chinese developed this virus as a weapon and it got away from them. I'm sorry but, no, I don't trust science either.
In years past we had good reason to trust our government. I fear those days are gone. We seem to have a bunch of power-hungry money grubbers who will say anything, do anything, endorse anything which will lead to more power.
It is going to be left to the people. Pay attention to what these clowns are saying. If it looks like a lie and sounds like a lie, it probably is a lie.
Eventually the chickens come home to roost. Hillary's big lie about Trump's involvement with the Russians, which was always a lie from the onset, is now being shown as nothing more than a political dirty trick which very nearly put lying Hillary Clinton in the White House. In the final analysis it served only to harm Trump's agenda. I would love to see Hillary in an orange jumpsuit. I remember my mother's words, "Liars never prosper." We can only hope that comes to pass.
Ron Scarbro September 28, 2021