Wednesday, September 8, 2021


What do you do when faced with a kidnapper's ransom demands? Do you just pay and hope for a good result? We have all heard about situations where ransom demands are paid and still the victims are never returned.  America Is today being extorted by kidnappers with all kinds of demands. We have a national policy concerning negotiating with terrorists. Did all of this change with this last election? I don't think so.


There are airplanes waiting to fly out of Afghanistan loaded with Americans and allies that are being held hostage by the Taliban. Imagine what could happen if we gave in to the demands of the Taliban with regard to these airplanes. If you haven't heard, the Taliban intends to hold those airplanes and their occupants for ransom. The ransom they want so far is for the US to recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan. Who knows what else they would demand if we gave in to this bit of criminal extortion?  What next, money? Arms? A seat on the Security Council? You name it and it is possible. 


There are good reasons we don't negotiate with terrorists or other criminal enterprises. If you give in once, it never ends plus others around the world would see our weakness and they would surely want to get in on the loot. 


The answer to this dilemma is much simpler than you might imagine. We send a brief note to the head thug of the Taliban and we tell him, either release those airplanes and people immediately or we, as I heard recently from a veteran, will bomb you back to the century you came from. These are not sophisticated war fighters. They are goat herders. We have weapons that can chase them back to their caves and weapons which can seal those caves in a matter of seconds. Problem solved.


What would Trump do? Biden needs to grow a pair and put America first. If you have seen recent polls, Biden's numbers are falling like a lead balloon. The only question I have is who are the 40% who think he is doing a good job? 


This is not the America that is and always has been my home. We don't knuckle under to ransom demands from anyone anywhere. The problem is that we haven't shown our true self to the world in some time. They need to see it. They need to know who they are dealing with. (Or maybe they already do???)


To you liberals out there, no, we all just can't get along. There are people who hate us and our way of life. The Taliban just shot and killed a popular Afghanistani folk singer because they don't like music. You don't dare live as a homosexual there. They literally throw these people off of buildings to their death. Do you think you could just get along with animals like that?


These people only understand one thing, and that is power. The opposite of power is weakness, and that's what they are seeing. We are rapidly approaching the point where it could be too late. 


I don't know how long our Congress will put up with this nonsense. I don't know how long the American people will put up with it. It is clear that things have to change.


Ron Scarbro September 7, 2021


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