Wednesday, November 3, 2021


I am writing this days before the governor's elections in Virginia and New Jersey. By the time I post this blog, the results should be known so I will probably update this piece. 


To explain the importance of this election, one should understand that this may well be the beginning of the end for the "progressive, liberal" 

experiment being played out in this country. The Republican candidate in Virginia has gained a huge majority in the most recent polls. The Democrat establishment is definitely worried. They see the obvious. 


For several years I have spoken against liberalism and now it might be on death's door.  We can only hope. 


We are being told that another caravan of illegal aliens is on the march to our southern border. I have heard numbers in the thousands. They overran the token resistance offered by the Mexican National Guard and started north to the border. When you hear them interviewed, they seem convinced that the border has been opened by Biden and they will be welcomed. I suspect, at least I hope, they will be in for a shock. 


I have often wondered how they all seem to have cell phones and clean clothes and plenty of food and water. How are they charging their phones? Who is supplying them? How are they dealing with bathroom needs? Just wondering.    


We are now informed that our Social Security COLA will be an increase of 5.8%. Thanks. The only problem is that the actual cost of living for real SSN recipients is much higher than 5.8%. In addition, Medicare costs will also rise further compromising the token increase. I do appreciate Social Security. But, if Lyndon Johnson had left it alone, our monthly benefit would be much higher. I am truly sorry for those who are trying to live only on Social Security. 


Meanwhile, while all of this is going on, Biden is in Europe playing nice with representatives of various countries. They seem tone deaf to the real problems facing all of us, preferring to deal with global climate change and phony nuclear test bans in Iran. They all get pretty pictures and good press. How nice. Meanwhile their respective countries go further into the hole. 


I understand the climate is changing. It has been since the beginning of time. Someday we may be raising crops in what is now ice covered tundra. Or, we may not. I don't know what the level of the sea is supposed to be. Neither do the so-called experts who offer their opinion. The west coast has been under drought conditions most of the year. Today they are being flooded by heavy rains. That seems to be their normal. Droughts followed by floods. Brush fires followed by mudslides. These are not man made phenomena. These are nature doing what nature does. Deal with it.


I wasn't around for the initial planning of this earth. I wasn't in on temperatures, sea levels, species survival, or any of the rest of stuff that advocates of the religion of global warming seem to worship. What I do know is that so far we are able to feed the millions that inhabit this planet and find new techniques everyday to make our lives better. 


I am pro-vax but anti-mandate. Turns out most Americans are also. As I have written before, we don't handle mandates and edicts very well. I also believe this virus is losing its hold and will soon be just an ugly memory. We can only hope.


What the future holds, I do not know. But I believe the One who really is in charge will make the right decisions.


Ron Scarbro November 2, 2021


P.S. The election is over and the Republican won in Virginia. New Jersey is still too close to call. This is very bad news for Biden but extremely good news for this country. Smart Democrats, are you paying attention?


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