Wednesday, June 14, 2023


I am so confused. I'm trying to determine who is lying. Trump has been indicted again. It seems clear to me that the individuals who are after Trump are not going to stop until he is completely neutered. They know they can't beat him in a legitimate election, so they will try anything to defame him. It is obvious to any thinking person that the Justice Dept. and the FBI are working together as a political weapon for the left in this country. It should also be obvious to anyone that Americans have lost confidence in those two once great institutions.


In looking at the situation one would have to conclude, somebody's lying. But who? 


If you look back to Trump’s presidency, it is easy for anyone with an ounce of brains to see the conspiracy that was lodged against him. What offends me, and I believe most thinking Americans, is that Hillary got away with much worse. And even with the effort to stop him, he still accomplished more than most Presidents. 


The big question now is can he survive these latest attacks and still garner enough votes to win the job again. I don’t doubt that he would do a great job if he did, but??? I have heard from some very close to him who say that if just half of what the government is charging is true, Trump is toast. 


So, if Trump is toast and we put basement Joe back in, America is toast. That I believe sincerely. Some are saying that Trump will withdraw before it gets much worse. Looking at all this realistically, that would probably be a good idea. Some of my readers are going to scream at that statement, but I think it may be best to go to the primaries without so much drama. Today the Republicans have a great list of candidates to choose from and I like most of them. 


The salvation for us lies with the Congress. We need to increase the Republican majority in the House and we desperately need to have a Republican majority in the Senate. We absolutely must rein in the lefties and the greenies. Did you hear that they are now trying to outlaw gas stoves in your home? Somebody needs to remind them that this isn't Russia or Cuba. It's America. We don’t do that kind of crap here. This is more than just outlawing gas stoves. This is more of the war on fossil fuels to promote the so-called green movement. These lefties are only going to stop when we stop them. It seems like anything and everything is on the table as long as it furthers the green movement. That includes your rights and the Constitution. Oh and by the way, the Democrats seem to be their biggest allies.


Lying is also on the table. The lefties believe lying, as long as it furthers the cause, is okay. 


Our job is to separate the liars from the truth. I never imagined that in my senior years I would be inundated with so many liars. Especially our elected leaders. America is a blessed country and deserves so much better than we have now. God help us.


Ron Scarbro, June 14, 2023



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