I am writing this on Independence Day. Of course we all know how special this day is. 247 years ago we the people, through our representatives, sent King George a simple message. That being that we were tired of being taxed and ruled by a foreign government 3000 miles away and we decided to be our own country with self-rule. We also sent along a list of grievances and demands. Sending that message to King George took an inordinate amount of courage. The signers all put their lives on the line. Sadly our declaration was apparently ignored and even laughed at. That turned out to be a big mistake on the part of King George. He declared war on us and we kicked his tail back to England, twice.
It certainly wasn't easy but we prevailed and began an experiment that continues today. That experiment was America. We formed a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Our government derives its authority only from the consent of the people. No kings, no emperors, and no rulers.
Today is an especially good day to point these things out because it seems that some have forgotten what we're all about. We don't allow a president to enact laws, for example. A president isn't allowed to spend the taxpayer's money. Presidents have very important jobs, but they are limited in their scope. We also have built into our Constitution remedies for when our freely elected individuals overstep their authority. We may well be nearing the time when those remedies come into play.
As free citizens of America we also have the right of free speech. We are able to criticize our elected leaders. I have the right to share my thoughts with you. Some in this country have come to believe that any speech with which they disagree should be called hate speech and thereby regulated or even outlawed. Nonsense. If you don't like what I say, you have every right to ignore it, but you do not have the right to regulate it.
America was born out of revolution. The same blood that flowed through our forefathers flows through us. The same courage that made possible our declaration of independence continues today. Those who choose to forget our constitution and our rule of law would be wise to remember how we came to be this greatest free country. Americans will not tolerate elected leaders, regardless of their position, overstepping their authority and violating the law.
The main point of this column is Biden's attempt to skirt around the Supreme Court's recent ruling rejecting his student loan relief plan. He recently announced that he will try again. The court has warned him not to try to outflank them.
You nor I would not tolerate Biden or anyone walking into our house and stealing our possessions. That is exactly what Biden is trying to do. As I wrote earlier, it may be time to seek those remedies that will stop his continued violations of law. I believe he is a crook and needs to be fired from his job.
Ron Scarbro July 5, 2023
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