Thursday, August 15, 2024



The election is several weeks away and I'm already tired of it. They seem to last forever anymore. 


Wouldn't it be great if they were all required to tell the truth? Don't you think we, the people, deserve the truth? The politicians apparently think we can't handle the truth. Maybe it's the politicians who can't handle the truth. I've always been amazed by the fact that someone is willing to spend millions of dollars to get a job that pays $150,000 a year. Call me naive but maybe there are other perks that are worth much more money.


And while we are on the subject of money, why would someone contribute tens of thousands of dollars to a politician just to get him elected? Do you think there might be other benefits to such a contribution?  


Ok, so I'm a little skeptical. I am told that while our politics are a little iffy, they are the best in the world. 


In the final analysis, it is up to us the voters to reject liars and frauds when we go to the polls. 


So how do we decide who the liars are? First, we look at their track records. Liars seem committed to their craft. A close examination of their record will usually tell you a lot.


I live in southeastern Georgia and all our local news comes from Jacksonville so we mostly get Florida news and their politics. If you think politics is rocky where you live, you should see Florida politics. Florida is the home of Donald Trump. Need I say more? It seems that in order to be elected, you must be endorsed by Trump. Seems kind of scary to me. 


So now we have Harris, running against Trump. I don‘t like either one of them. But one of them will wind up winning. The Kennedy kid is just treading water. Our salvation continues to be our Congress. We must elect adults to Congress to keep wild eyed Presidential wannabes reined in. 


My idea of a satisfactory election result would be a Republican majority in Congress which would neuter the Presidential election. While that wouldn't necessarily be the end all, it would hopefully keep us afloat for a while longer. 


Take care when you go to the polls in November. The country you save may be your own.


Ron Scarbro August 16, 2024


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