Thursday, August 29, 2024



I find it quite interesting that Kamala Harris plans to reduce inflation as soon as she is elected President. I have a question. Where has she been the last four years? If she has the plan to get our economy back on track, why hasn't she already put it to use? She also says she can fix the border. Okay, same question. Why hasn't she already fixed it? 


I suspect, like you, this is just political rhetoric with no real plan for utilization. Talk is cheap and political rhetoric is probably the cheapest. 


Those of you who know me personally know that I am just a simple man. So it would follow that my solutions to our problems would also be simple. 


Consider our economy. My first answer is to get the government's foot off of the neck of the fossil fuel industry. Not only should we not be buying oil from other countries, many of whom are very unfriendly to us, but instead pumping our own and selling it to them. Russia's very existence depends on selling oil. We should be their number one competitor. This would also serve to bring prices down on our own products. We become an exporter, not an importer. I am simply amazed that we don't already do this. 


The southern border is another problem to be sure. Since Trump left office it has gotten much worse. He stopped the “catch and release” program which largely kept the border secure. Biden canceled that very effective program for no good reason that I can imagine. Trump's program was to stay in Mexico until the court found that you could continue to this country. What could be wrong with that? Well, Biden didn't like it and ended it. 


We, the people, must decide what kind of government we want. We have to decide how much crap we'll put up with. It is obvious our country is of at least two different minds on the issues we face. Do we want a secure border? Do we want cheaper gas prices? Do we want adults running our government? Or, do we just want things to run as they are until chaos takes over? It's up to us. 


We have an election coming up soon. Do we choose the same ol, same ol, or do we demand change. It is really simple. The Democrat party will keep us in the mess we're in and the Republicans will get it fixed. Your choice. Choose wisely. 


Ron Scarbro August 28, 2024


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