Friday, September 20, 2024



It would certainly appear that somebody wants to assassinate Donald Trump. So far, thank God, they have failed miserably. They will probably continue trying and will probably continue failing. 


I never cease to be amazed by the sheer numbers of wingnuts that walk our streets. What could they possibly be thinking? In the far-out possibility that they could inflict a serious wound on Trump, that would just make him more difficult to beat in an election. 


Here's the reality. Trump and Harris are our candidates. There have been many elections in my lifetime where I just wanted to vote no, but that has never been an option, and it won't be this time around. 


Another reality is that one of them will be our next president. The anti-Trump people believe Trump is a dangerous choice. I believe Harris is far more dangerous to this country than Trump and millions of Americans think like me. 


If you are one who believes Trump is a danger to our country, then make sure to elect a Congress that would keep him in check. On his own a president has very limited power in this country. He needs a compliant Congress to get anything done. That's the way our forefathers intended and that's the way it is. 


Personally I believe we need a strong president like Trump. There are countries in the world who would view a female president no higher than their goat or sheep. Doesn't make it right, just makes it true. 


We live in a dangerous world. With every new weapons system, it only grows more dangerous. I don't believe it is America's job to be policemen of the world, but adults have to be aware of what's going on. Iran is not going to be satisfied until they either rule the world, or get bombed back into the fifteenth century where they belong. Personally I favor the bombing. They want you to believe it's a religious thing, but I think we all know the truth. The God I worship is a God of love, not hate. That seems to be something many of the Middle Easterners have forgotten.

Ron Scarbro September 19, 2024


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