Wednesday, September 30, 2020



No doubt you have heard about Breonna Taylor. She is the young lady who was shot and killed by police during the serving of a warrant in Louisville, Ky. It has been reported over and over by the breathless news media. The report is that police were involved in a "no knock warrant" and burst into the apartment with guns blazing, killing the innocent Breonna Taylor. Since the story broke riots have ensued. Buildings have been burned and people, police officers, have been shot. 


The case was presented to the Grand Jury but they did not indict the police for the killing. In fact, only one of the officers was charged with anything and that was wanton endangerment, a relatively minor charge. When news got out, all hell broke loose. People were furious. They wanted the police officers arrested for murder. After all, they shot and killed an innocent young girl. The media continued to fan the flames and kept the riots going. 


Well, as is usually the case, there is more to the story. In fact much more. As it turns out, the story, as reported, was a complete lie. The reason the Grand Jury didn't indict the police is because the police didn't commit any crime. 


According to the latest information from the Mayor and the Chief of Police is that it was not a no knock warrant at all. In fact the police knocked and announced themselves. They were looking for an armed drug dealer who, as it turns out, was Breonna Taylor's former boyfriend. When the police got into the apartment, her new boyfriend opened fire on them hitting one of the officers in the thigh and damaging his femoral artery, a potential fatal injury.  When the police returned fire, they hit Taylor. 


Don’t get me wrong. I do not believe the young lady did anything that deserved the death penalty but, she did put herself in that position. Apparently that former boyfriend gave her address as his. Did she know what her former boyfriend did for a living? Of course she did. If you choose to live in a pit of snakes, there is the real possibility you will get bit. She also was named in the warrant. The police had a substantial file on her and her drug related activities. Incidentally her ex-boyfriend, the drug dealer, received packages at her apartment and used her phone number as his.


But this column is less about the young lady getting killed and more about a media whose agenda seems to be much more important than the truth. It is almost impossible to know what really happened during that police action. You certainly cannot go by what the media reports. 


I am sure you can remember when the media was a trustworthy reporter of events. That all seems to have changed. Today what you know, or think you know, depends largely on your source of information. When the media chooses sides, all of their reportage serves to justify their choice. If people get hurt because of their agenda, I guess that's just too bad. The truth is unimportant if it gets in the way. 


We are approaching a time when honesty in the media is more important than ever. Over the next few weeks we are going to see some very big names in our government with Federal indictments for all sorts of crimes.  


This should have been reported months ago, but it didn't fit the narrative of the so-called mainstream media. For what's coming, no amount of fake news or even outright lies will be able to hide it.  Folks, it's about to hit the fan. If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny. 


Ron Scarbro September 30, 2020


Wednesday, September 23, 2020


With the death of Justice Ginzberg, we are going to see a major explosion in the liberal ranks of this country. President Trump's job is to name a replacement for her. Personally, I believe if Trump nominated Jesus Christ as her replacement he would be criticized. So, he can't win with the mainstream media or the liberal Democrats. Fortunately, I don't think he cares. I know I don't care. 


I wondered, what would I be looking for if I were responsible for naming Ginzberg's replacement. It really would be simple. First and foremost is the requirement that the candidate could read the English language. Secondly, the candidate would have to understand that the Constitution is the law of the land. This Constitution is not a "living document" subject to updating or modernizing. No, it, as written, is the law of the land. Any individual who disagreed with that fact would be disqualified, period.


Next, my candidate could be a Republican, a Democrat, or apolitical. As long as their judicial findings were based on law and facts, nothing else would matter. The Supreme Court is not a political organization.


I wouldn't care what their religion was or even if they professed any religion. The Supreme Court is not a religious institution. 


The media has already started the drumbeat that our next Justice must be one, a female, two Jewish, three, a flaming liberal, and God knows what else. My requirements are much simpler. 


I don't care about any of that. Race or gender has absolutely nothing to do with one's judgement. A judge is a referee. They don't make the rules.


Since the Judicial Act of 1869 we have had nine justices. It has worked well since that time. Today, with the death of Ginzberg, we have eight. It is imperative we get back to nine quickly. Can you just imagine what a mess we would face if the coming election brings about the problems the Democrats are hoping for? It could fall to the Supreme Court to rule.


It is also clear to me and to all thinking Americans that the Democrats are going to try to sabotage this election any way they can. This mail-in voter campaign is nothing more than a different way to cheat. We may well need the Court to arbitrate the final outcome. I am convinced the Democrats do not want a court with constitutionally literate justices deciding the result. That would mess up all their plans. 


Schumer and his cohorts are screaming for us to allow the American people to decide who the new Justice should be. Well Chuckie, we have decided. We elected Donald Trump as President and the Constitution requires him to name replacements to the court. 


He has assured us that he will name his choice this week and Majority Leader McConnell has said that nominee will get a vote in the Senate. Sorry Chuckie. We are going to obey the law whether or not it pleases you.


Pelosi, not to be outdone, has declared she has many arrows in her quiver to stop this naming of a replacement Justice, including but not limited to impeachment. Really Nancy? Haven't you already worn that one out? 


How about this unique idea? How about we all just obey the law and do what the Constitution requires. I understand that might be a strange concept for you and many of your Democrat cohorts, but you should consider it. 


Oh, and one more thing. You Democrats are bringing this country to a point similar to where our country was just prior to the Civil War. Is that what you want? If so, I'm just glad I'm on the side with the guns and the military and the police departments, etc., etc.


Ron Scarbro September 22, 2020


Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Are these football players really so dense that they don't understand kneeling during the playing of the National Anthem is the height of disrespect? Do they really think that soldiers who fought to the death to protect this country will stand by and let this pass? If they do, I have some bad news for them.


These millionaire players want me to believe that certain members of our society are somehow being denied "social justice." I confess, I really don't know what social justice is. I know what justice is. We all, regardless of race are entitled to justice. I just watched a black punk walk up to a parked police car and shoot both of the cops inside. Both of the officers are in critical condition in a hospital. I do not know the race of the police officers but it doesn't matter. As a citizen of America, I demand justice. That justice would be finding the coward who fired the shots, gut shoot him with buckshot and feed him to feral hogs. 


So, what has been the reaction of the so-called protesting groups, the demanders of social justice, they blocked the entrance to the hospital and screamed, "we hope you die." Is that their idea of social justice? One of the injured officers is the mother of a very young daughter. Do you think they care? 


The misfit culls who are perpetrating this violence better hope that I'm never in charge. The survivors would actually need the services of the hospital they are blocking. The rest, the unlucky ones, would be stacked like cordwood in the street. 


It is long past the time when we say enough. And not just say it but back up our statement with force. The first thing I would do is bring out the water cannon trucks and mow the rioters down. It probably wouldn't hurt them but they would most certainly need a change of clothes. I just learned there is a new anti-rioter substance available. It's called skunk water. It smells like skunk spray. Just fill the cannon with skunk water. Wouldn't that be great. 


I tried to watch football last weekend and I almost wore my remote out. If that is to be our football season this year, then they can do it without me. I will not spend my fall and winter being accused of all kinds of wrongdoing and discrimination. There is no doubt that previous generations did see life differently than we do today but, I refuse to accept guilt for the actions of earlier generations.


I have been asked how I would handle the street riots in our major cities. First I would determine what are legitimate protests and what are just rioting and looting. If I saw Antifa or BLM signs and masks, I would automatically determine this to be a riot and not a protest. These groups are domestic terrorists. They need to be treated as such. Any municipal or state official who got in the way of stopping this looting, would be determined to be a correspondent and equally guilty of the crimes. The perpetrators would be rounded up, arrested and jailed. 


There would be minimum federal sentences for this terrorism. That would go for the officials also. I assure you it wouldn't take long for this crap to end.


This rioting is going to continue as long as we allow it. It will end when we end it. It's up to us.


Ron Scarbro September 15, 2020


Wednesday, September 9, 2020


I am a football fan. I especially love college football. In years past I enjoyed the pro game and I still do, but not like college. I intend to spend my fall and winter weekends glued to the TV watching, yelling, and generally enjoying the efforts of the players and coaches. 


The pro game seems to me too much of a business. I also dislike the way top college stars are drafted to play on the worst teams. Many potentially great players are used up and harmed by playing on substandard teams. I understand they want parity, but there has to be a better way of achieving it. 


I also wonder if some of the players aren't pricing themselves out of the market. The money they are getting is silly. But, these two little complaints 

pale in the sight of what seems to be happening to this great American game. 


All indications are that some of the players intend to use the game as a sounding board for their grievances, perceived or real. In many cases the coaches appear to be okay with this. Many will be displaying messages on their uniforms. To some, the players for sure, the messages are important. To others they are nothing more than a distraction. Some will show disrespect by kneeling during the playing of the National Anthem. 


The disrespectful kneeling started by one worn out former NFL player has spread to the entire league. There is no doubt this has cost the NFL tons of money. If they think the American viewing public is going to accept this new violation of the game, they should take another look.


There are millions of us out here. We are fans. We love the game. How much of this crap do they think we will put up with? Will this cause us to lose our love for the game. 


Like most normal people I spend my week having the latest news stuffed down my throat. I will say this clearly. I will not spend my weekends with more of the same. I reserve my weekends for entertainment, not politics. For me, that entertainment is football. If the players think for a moment that I will spend it dealing with their grievances and demands, they had best think again. Not a chance.


Let me clearly say that there is a time and a place for a discussion of social issues. That time or place is definitely not during a football game. And that time or place is most assuredly not during the playing of the National Anthem. 


It seems some folks got upset with the police up in Kenosha, Wi. for doing their duty attempting to arrest an individual who had an open warrant for sexual assault, robbery, and grand theft auto. He refused to follow lawful instructions by police, choosing instead to attempt to get into his car. They shot him. What else were they supposed to do? What if he had a gun in his car? A police officer who hesitates is often a dead police officer. If you don't want to have a problem with law enforcement, obey the law. Respect authority. 


As it now is, we are going to find it more and more difficult recruiting police officers. The folks who are so upset with them should attempt to get the whole story before rioting.


For a certainty black lives matter. Even and especially those taken every weekend in our major cities mostly in minority neighborhoods. Where is the "social justice" for the victims of those crimes? Respect for law and order matters also. If we had that, I'm pretty sure black lives would be greatly improved.


In the meantime, leave football alone.


Ron Scarbro September 8, 2020