I am a football fan. I especially love college football. In years past I enjoyed the pro game and I still do, but not like college. I intend to spend my fall and winter weekends glued to the TV watching, yelling, and generally enjoying the efforts of the players and coaches.
The pro game seems to me too much of a business. I also dislike the way top college stars are drafted to play on the worst teams. Many potentially great players are used up and harmed by playing on substandard teams. I understand they want parity, but there has to be a better way of achieving it.
I also wonder if some of the players aren't pricing themselves out of the market. The money they are getting is silly. But, these two little complaints
pale in the sight of what seems to be happening to this great American game.
All indications are that some of the players intend to use the game as a sounding board for their grievances, perceived or real. In many cases the coaches appear to be okay with this. Many will be displaying messages on their uniforms. To some, the players for sure, the messages are important. To others they are nothing more than a distraction. Some will show disrespect by kneeling during the playing of the National Anthem.
The disrespectful kneeling started by one worn out former NFL player has spread to the entire league. There is no doubt this has cost the NFL tons of money. If they think the American viewing public is going to accept this new violation of the game, they should take another look.
There are millions of us out here. We are fans. We love the game. How much of this crap do they think we will put up with? Will this cause us to lose our love for the game.
Like most normal people I spend my week having the latest news stuffed down my throat. I will say this clearly. I will not spend my weekends with more of the same. I reserve my weekends for entertainment, not politics. For me, that entertainment is football. If the players think for a moment that I will spend it dealing with their grievances and demands, they had best think again. Not a chance.
Let me clearly say that there is a time and a place for a discussion of social issues. That time or place is definitely not during a football game. And that time or place is most assuredly not during the playing of the National Anthem.
It seems some folks got upset with the police up in Kenosha, Wi. for doing their duty attempting to arrest an individual who had an open warrant for sexual assault, robbery, and grand theft auto. He refused to follow lawful instructions by police, choosing instead to attempt to get into his car. They shot him. What else were they supposed to do? What if he had a gun in his car? A police officer who hesitates is often a dead police officer. If you don't want to have a problem with law enforcement, obey the law. Respect authority.
As it now is, we are going to find it more and more difficult recruiting police officers. The folks who are so upset with them should attempt to get the whole story before rioting.
For a certainty black lives matter. Even and especially those taken every weekend in our major cities mostly in minority neighborhoods. Where is the "social justice" for the victims of those crimes? Respect for law and order matters also. If we had that, I'm pretty sure black lives would be greatly improved.
In the meantime, leave football alone.
Ron Scarbro September 8, 2020
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