Wednesday, September 23, 2020


With the death of Justice Ginzberg, we are going to see a major explosion in the liberal ranks of this country. President Trump's job is to name a replacement for her. Personally, I believe if Trump nominated Jesus Christ as her replacement he would be criticized. So, he can't win with the mainstream media or the liberal Democrats. Fortunately, I don't think he cares. I know I don't care. 


I wondered, what would I be looking for if I were responsible for naming Ginzberg's replacement. It really would be simple. First and foremost is the requirement that the candidate could read the English language. Secondly, the candidate would have to understand that the Constitution is the law of the land. This Constitution is not a "living document" subject to updating or modernizing. No, it, as written, is the law of the land. Any individual who disagreed with that fact would be disqualified, period.


Next, my candidate could be a Republican, a Democrat, or apolitical. As long as their judicial findings were based on law and facts, nothing else would matter. The Supreme Court is not a political organization.


I wouldn't care what their religion was or even if they professed any religion. The Supreme Court is not a religious institution. 


The media has already started the drumbeat that our next Justice must be one, a female, two Jewish, three, a flaming liberal, and God knows what else. My requirements are much simpler. 


I don't care about any of that. Race or gender has absolutely nothing to do with one's judgement. A judge is a referee. They don't make the rules.


Since the Judicial Act of 1869 we have had nine justices. It has worked well since that time. Today, with the death of Ginzberg, we have eight. It is imperative we get back to nine quickly. Can you just imagine what a mess we would face if the coming election brings about the problems the Democrats are hoping for? It could fall to the Supreme Court to rule.


It is also clear to me and to all thinking Americans that the Democrats are going to try to sabotage this election any way they can. This mail-in voter campaign is nothing more than a different way to cheat. We may well need the Court to arbitrate the final outcome. I am convinced the Democrats do not want a court with constitutionally literate justices deciding the result. That would mess up all their plans. 


Schumer and his cohorts are screaming for us to allow the American people to decide who the new Justice should be. Well Chuckie, we have decided. We elected Donald Trump as President and the Constitution requires him to name replacements to the court. 


He has assured us that he will name his choice this week and Majority Leader McConnell has said that nominee will get a vote in the Senate. Sorry Chuckie. We are going to obey the law whether or not it pleases you.


Pelosi, not to be outdone, has declared she has many arrows in her quiver to stop this naming of a replacement Justice, including but not limited to impeachment. Really Nancy? Haven't you already worn that one out? 


How about this unique idea? How about we all just obey the law and do what the Constitution requires. I understand that might be a strange concept for you and many of your Democrat cohorts, but you should consider it. 


Oh, and one more thing. You Democrats are bringing this country to a point similar to where our country was just prior to the Civil War. Is that what you want? If so, I'm just glad I'm on the side with the guns and the military and the police departments, etc., etc.


Ron Scarbro September 22, 2020


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