Wednesday, November 18, 2020


It's heating up again. The conversation about the virus. Apparently the number of cases has risen and the politicians are up in arms. Cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas. Don't let your family in for the holidays. Cancel church services. Close down all commerce. Destroy all sports, amateur and professional. Make wearing a facemask required by law. Give your local elected officials more power to control your life. Let them become the dictators they so want to be. Do you remember last March? We were told to "shelter in place". It would take a couple of weeks and we would "flatten the curve" and defeat this virus. That turned out not to be true. That was eight months ago and we appear no closer to the end of this than when we began.


I have an answer for all these would be Emperors. It comes from a famous line from an old TV show, "I don't think so, Tim". What Cuomo and his ilk seem to be forgetting is that this is America. We are a free country. We don't handle dictators too well. In fact we reject them outright. 


This is not to say that our citizenry wouldn't do what was necessary to deal with this latest virus. We have dealt with difficulties before and quite successfully I might add. The government's job is not to dictate to us and close down our economy. Wouldn't it make more sense to just get this new vaccine to the public and to do it quickly? Then the economy would take care of itself.


Coronavirus has become a political disease. The liberals want to shut everything down and put the government in charge. Traditional Americans believe the best government is the least government. Open up and leave commerce alone. 


So, what should a government do? This is what I want my government to do. We have been told for several years now that a number of people have openly broken the law. Hillary Clinton, for example. James Comey, high officials in the FBI and the Justice Dept. People have lied to the FISA Court, or so we are told. Hunter Biden sold influence to Ukraine and China collecting millions of dollars which, we are told, was shared with his father, Joe, who by some accounts has been elected President of these United States. 


We have been told that a major investigation has been under way for months by US Attorney, John Durham.  Where is that report? If all of these people have broken all these laws, why has no one been arrested? Why has no one been indicted? What are we waiting for?


Now, it appears to all who have a functioning brain that a fraud has been committed against the people of this country on Election Day. I don't have any confidence in any of the election results. I don't know who our President is or who will be President for the next four years. And, I don't know who to believe. 


You surely can't rely on polls. They seem to be an overpriced scam designed to affect results rather than predict results. You absolutely cannot depend on the major media, either print or broadcast. Forget social media. That is just whatever someone wants it to be. No, sadly there are no reliable places to turn to for truth. 


Our government has a role for sure in dealing with this virus. Get the vaccine into the hands of the people. That's their role. Not killing the economy. If we have law breakers going unpunished, our government's job is to go get them. Orange jumpsuits and perp walks. 


How many millions have we spent investigating the crimes committed by high government officials? We do not have separate laws for the Washington elite. Indict and arrest. Do your job. 


Get the vaccine to the people and leave the economy alone. It's really pretty simple. 


Ron Scarbro November 17, 2020


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