It occurred to me recently that even though I think this country is headed in the wrong direction, some people must think differently. Who are these people and why do they think this way? Or, maybe I am the one who is wrong.
Our southern border is under siege by individuals from all over the world. Yet, I saw a sign being carried by a "demonstrator" that proclaimed there are no illegal people. Some folks do not believe that we should have borders. We should just open up and let anybody in who wants in. Can you imagine what that would do to our country? Half of the world would be at our doorsteps.
Taxpayers pay for our schools. They pay for social welfare programs. None of this is free. Why should it be okay for people from all over the world to just jump the fence and take advantage of these benefits? It isn't theirs and should be reserved for citizens who paid for them.
Socialism is creeping into our country. The same form of government that has failed everywhere it has been tried. Think Cuba or Venezuela for example. And yet many of our colleges and universities are teaching their students that this is the preferable form of government. Not only higher education but also the media. They seem to champion every opportunity they can to tout socialism. It might be helpful to remember when Fidel Castro took over Cuba and brought his socialism with him, he forced the higher ups in that country to go into the sugar cane fields and do manual labor. I am pretty sure that caught them by surprise.
Hugo Chavez was the dictator of Venezuela. When he died his net worth was, according to Forbes, over two billion dollars. Today his oldest daughter is the wealthiest person in that country worth over four billion dollars. Socialism works, but only for the dictators in charge. The rest of the country goes into the toilet. People are streaming out of Venezuela by the thousands. Even with all the evidence available, some, the media, higher education, liberal Democrats, etc., still seem to think socialism is for us. What morons. Wake up.
In my eighty years on this planet I have seen activities, which at one time were illegal and punishable with prison time, become not only legal but are now celebrated. What was once seen as lewd and lascivious is now seen by some as just an alternative lifestyle. Abnormal has become normal. Unnatural has become natural. And the worst part of this is that these people insist I celebrate with them. No thanks. I'll continue to retain my traditional thinking. When it is more important to celebrate homosexuality than Christmas, I begin to think I am in the wrong country. Homosexuals get a month and Jesus only gets one day. Seems a little strange to me. Or maybe, just maybe, the morons are wrong.
I just saw a transsexual "woman" weight lifter. He spent most of his life as a male but wasn't very successful as a weightlifter. So, he decided to become a female and now is setting records as a female weightlifter. He is looking forward to winning gold at the Olympics. And no, I'm not kidding you. Can anyone tell me what, if anything, about this is fair? What this will do is pronounce the end of women's athletics. Is that what the "progressives" want?
For many years America has been the shining city on the hill. We have been the envy of the world. For some that is unacceptable. They don't see us as exceptional. We are the envy of the world because we are free. We are the envy of the world because we are the most successful democracy on earth. Why do you think everybody wants to come here? If the liberal progressives get their wish, we will become just another failed socialist state.
Ron Scarbro June 30, 2021
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