Wednesday, October 13, 2021


You may remember back when Barack Obama announced that he intended to fundamentally change America forever. He thought he would just flip a switch and we would become a socialist country like European countries. That apparently was his plan. He even selected a complete moron as his Vice President so that he wouldn't be kicked out of office before he got his job done. 


Well, it didn't work. Normal, sane, Americans just said no. Donald Trump was elected to try to fix the mess Obama caused. It was necessary to break a few eggs in order to make an omelet. That upset some people, especially the media, so Trump wasn't allowed to finish fixing the mess. The voters of this country turned back to idiot government and elected Joe Biden. Biden selected Kamala Harris as his VP to make sure he could stay in office. He then set about fundamentally changing America into some big government socialist country where American citizens cede their citizenship in favor of dependency. It's a marriage made in socialist Heaven. 


In some cases it is working. There are some people who prefer a government control system. Fortunately they are in the minority. Americans generally prefer freedom over tyranny. Sadly there are many who cannot connect the dots and therefore do not realize socialism equals tyranny. Just ask Venezuelans how they feel now. This once-great country is now a wasteland with people trying to escape to other places to live.


Currently the Democrats are trying to garner enough votes in Congress to pass a bill euphemistically called an "infrastructure" bill. In actuality it is more a "green new deal" bill which would go a long way toward bankrupting this country. By the way, the green in this new deal is the unbelievable amount of money this liberal pipedream would cost the country. When this green new deal was first brought up by the "squad" I, like most sane people, thought it was a joke. Well it isn't a joke anymore. There are people who actually believe we could survive this nonsense.


Let's see now. No fossil fuels of any kind. That means no automobiles, no trucks to bring cargo, no air planes, no power plants, and no generators to recharge cell phones or anything electric. There would be very little food production because it's tough plowing fields with horse drawn plows. If you would like to travel to Europe, you would have to sail and it could take a few months. Most medicines would disappear. Of course meat would be gone. That's okay because these morons all seem to prefer the vegan diet anyway, not just for them but for everyone. So forget cheeseburgers or steak. 


Here is another thing I can assure you of. Judgement day is coming. The direction of this country under Democrat rule, is unsustainable. The more we knuckle under to this global warming nonsense, and other man-created crises, the sooner we will see that judgement, and it isn't going to be pretty. We have millions of people in this country to feed and house. If they are unable to get that food or housing, they probably would get a little upset. We need a return to reality and we need to leave fantasy to the liberals. 


Ron Scarbro October 11, 2021


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