Wednesday, February 1, 2012


There has been a forward floating around the internet recently showing a group of Muslims on their hands and knees in prayer along with a picture of NFL quarterback Tim Tebow in his prayerful position. The question was asked, “Why was it okay for the Muslims to be shown in prayer but not Tebow?” Is Tim Tebow being subjected to criticism and mocking for attempting to live his conviction? Is the media being fair? They would never mock the Muslims.

I have followed Tim Tebow from his years at Florida where he was a winning quarterback for the Florida Gators to his ascension to starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos.  I am a fan. He seems to be just as he appears, an individual who lives his life as his religion dictates. He is charitable beyond belief. He has paid for and built a hospital in the Philippines for the poor and needy children of that area. He invites ailing people, mostly children, to his games and pays all their expenses. He also arranges to spend time with them tossing a football around and just generally making real human contact. In the off season he visits prisons ministering to people who have made bad choices in life. He is truly a positive influence. The press never reports this, do they?

His reward in this country seems to be a mocking media and mocking fellow players. His very name has become a verb and not a nice verb either. Tebowing has become a joke. To kneel and pray as he does has become fodder for some to make fun of.

I don’t know today if he will become a successful quarterback in the NFL. I doubt if he cares nearly as much as the press would have you believe. To me he is already a successful man. I have seen reporters dumbfounded by Tim’s seeming lack of concern for the non-football criticism he has faced. As far as football is concerned, he led his Denver Broncos to the playoffs and even won the first game against a heavily favored Pittsburgh Steeler team. He has since lost to New England and his season is over, but I suspect Tim Tebow has his priorities in order. I believe he will come back next season a better player and will win even more games. But football is football and life is life.

Here is my idea of what Tebowing should be. Instead of mocking his lifestyle, perhaps other NFL players should consider contributing to charities that help poor children. That would be true Tebowing. Instead of blowing millions on parties and fancy clothes, how about concerning oneself with the sick and ailing children who would love to attend a game. In the off season, instead of getting into trouble with booze and drugs, how about becoming a positive influence on one’s fellow man. Those are the kind of things I think of when I think of the word Tebowing.

Making fun of Tim Tebow is not funny. You don’t have to like him or like his choice of religious expression. The media wouldn’t mock women in burqas or men in yamakas. Nor would they mock nuns in their traditional habits. Why then, in a country where polls consistently show most of us professing Christianity as our religious choice, do they feel it’s okay to mock Tebow?

We all have to make our choices as to how we will live our lives. We all choose our heroes. I am pleased to tell you this kid is my hero.

Ron Scarbro February 1, 2012

1 comment:

SteveGanshert said...

Well said. There are those who put on fronts and those who practice their beliefs.