a thought. When you file your next income tax returns, just write the
statement, “I haven’t committed any crime and I am not guilty of any
violations, therefore, I am exercising my rights under the Fifth
Amendment and refusing to answer any of the questions on this form.
Thank you very much. Goodbye.” Think that might work? Just asking.
have done some research into the Fifth Amendment. IRS Commissioner Lois
Lerner cited her rights under this amendment to keep from answering
questions from Congress during her hearing. The amendment basically says
that you are not required to answer questions if your answer might tend
to incriminate you. The amendment even says that it only applies during
a criminal prosecution. Lois hasn’t faced a criminal prosecution yet,
but she is about to. She will be recalled and she will be forced to
answer these questions under threat of contempt prosecution. I doubt she
would be willing to go to Federal Prison to protect her superiors. Oh,
and they know it.
Shulman is another IRS Commissioner who is about to learn what his
particular arrogance has bought him. When asked what he could remember
about his hundreds of visits to the White House, he could only remember
the Easter Egg Roll. It is obvious to any relatively intelligent person
that crimes have been committed and the cover-up is underway. Shulman
has a double problem. Not only is he an arrogant moron, he also looks
like a weasel. That’s a bad combination.
information is being reported that these moves by the Obama camp go
back to before the ‘08 election. Not only were conservatives targeted,
but so were Democrats who could compete with Obama in the general
election, specifically Hillary. As I wrote before, we are looking only
at the tip of the iceberg. When it all hits the fan, there is going to
be such a mess that it will take years to clean it all up.
question is simple. Have you had enough yet? Many now think that Obama
cannot survive this. That brings up a whole new can of worms and that
can is named Joe Biden. Nobody really believes we are better off with
Uncle Joe, so the fact remains, we have a problem.
forward we have only one solution. Starting in 2014, let’s get rid of
all the co-respondents in this scandal. It is absolutely essential that
Republicans retake the Senate and keep the House. This runaway criminal
enterprise has to be stopped.
many of you may read this and think old Ron is overreacting. Really?
Remember Nixon? Most Republicans thought the Democrats were
overreacting. The same with Clinton and he was ultimately impeached and
disbarred. In the final analysis Obama’s problems will face bipartisan
scrutiny. Even now the lefty media is on his case because of the AP
seizure and the seizure of Fox News documents. He will have no place to
hide. Regardless of who you are, you cannot work to destroy this
republic and get away with it. You will face the judgment of the
American people and that will not be a pretty sight for Obama. It is
looking more like Huckabee’s theory of Obama not surviving these
scandals might come true.
job is clear. We absolutely must thin the herd of corrupt individuals
who do not have the best interest of America at heart. There will be a
Congressional election in 2014 and it is essential that all Americans
get off their butts and vote to put honest people in office. This
insanity train can and will be stopped and derailed, but it is going to
take a concerted effort from all of us.
If you, like me, have had enough, don’t let America down.
Ron Scarbro May 29, 2013