There are none so blind as those who will not see. There are none so deaf as those who refuse to hear. Did you hear Obama’s pledge that he made on public radio just the other day? He promised that he will use his veto power if the Republicans try to alter Obamacare or try to approve the Keystone Pipeline project or attempt in any way to, according to him, take this country backwards.
He probably is refusing to acknowledge the results of the midterm elections. That is his business. He is probably relying on his few remaining Democrat allies to go along with his petulance. That is their business and also their peril.
Here is a reality. The voters of this country sent a clear message to Washington. We are not happy with the direction this country has been headed and we want and expect a change. We will no longer tolerate the scandals, the lies, and the sloppiness with which we have been governed. We will not sit still for “tortured language.” We will not allow the IRS and the Justice Dept. to be used as personal tools for any politician of any stripe for any reason. These agencies belong to the American people and are not for sale.
So here is the challenge for the new Congress. Clean up the mess that has been created over the last six years. Return this country to fiscal sanity. Pass a legitimate budget. Get to the bottom of the scandals that are plaguing this White House. Bring the guilty before criminal courts and prosecute the offenders regardless of their station.
Republicans, you have been hired by the people to take care of business. And Democrats who still have a job in our government, pay close attention to where you might want to be in 2016. Sitting Congresspeople, if you want to be returned to your seat in the next election, choose wisely as you face the opportunity to overturn petulant vetoes from your lame duck President. Thumbing your collective noses at the American people is a one way trip to unemployment.
For far too long we have allowed party politics to take center stage over what is best for the country. That has to stop.
America has a great opportunity in front of us. We have a Republican majority in both houses of Congress and the very real probability we will have a Republican in the White House in two years. There will be no acceptable excuses then. The business of governing begins now. Test the resolve of the Democrats to see if they have the willingness to go against the desires of the American people. See if they are willing to put their futures on the line for a lame duck President. The new Senate Majority Leader should round up the Democrats and develop a bipartisan coalition designed to overturn vetoes. He might find them far more willing than ever before. The handwriting is on the wall and they can read it too. The only way you can miss the message is to refuse to accept the message.
I started this column by declaring that there are none so blind as those who would not see and none so deaf as those who refuse to hear. That pretty much says it all. Time will tell.
Ron Scarbro